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Showing posts from January, 2018


Tidur lebih Baik daripada terjaga Tidur dalam Tuhan Lebih indah daripada hidup Saat itu tak ada lagi kesedihan Tak ada lagi dukacita dan air mata Tak ada lagi masalah yang menipa Beristirahat dalam damai sambil Menunggu Dia yang akan memberikan Kehidupan yang kekal bagi yang setia dan mengasihiNya

You are really good

Father You are really good In my life. You give me Very lovely family. You put me In the church you choose. You give me a chance To serve you as any other. I feel very happy to be in you. I hope Your love will always be with me. Because the hand of Your love I live to this day. Because loving You makes me smile and feel happy. Your love is enough to keep me afloat to this day in my weakness. Father, You are amazing, in my case You are amazing. Nothing is nobler than the God I worshiped during my life. There is nothing like You Who is so Wonder that can turn bad to good. That gives a real miracle that no one has ever dreamed of. Because I got an incredible grace I want to always please Your heart But I realized that I was just a weak and sinful human being The child who has been glassy in sin and has been so far gone. But Lord,You draw me to return with Your ...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone Everything that happened last year Let be the best memories The lesson we learned last year We can apply in this year's life Let the light from Jesus, the great light Glow within us always and forever May the protection of God be with us throughout this year His love may shine throughout our lives in our attitude His love may shine throughout our lives in our smile to the people His love may shine throughout our lives in serving other His love may shine throughout our lives in serving Him in everything we do