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Showing posts from 2019

Kid's Prayer

Hi all readers.... I'm back again with a song lyrics  This is the second lyrics of the children's spiritual song,  That I posted on this blog. And both of them are about children's prayer. Why children's song? Why that's about children's prayer? Children's prayer is sincere prayer.  listen carefully to this song. You will find the reason why you were created. Dear God Thank you for loving me And giving me Your all When i grow up I was still beside in You I want to know You more I want to love You more I'll never forget you Lord In Jesus name Amien I want to know You Lord You are a great big God I'm young and do not know a lot Come and be my all I want to love You more Giving You my life and all You die for me you've sacrificed I won't forget You Lord Reff : I love You Jesus I'll grow up knowing You I love You Jesus I'll grow up serving You I love You Jesus My life is saved by You I'...

Stay the Same

Stay the Same Joey McIntyre Don't you ever wish You were someone else You were meant to be The way you are exactly Don't you ever say You don't like the way you are When you learn to love yourself You're better off by far And I hope you always stay the same 'Cause there's nothing 'bout you I would change I think that you could be Whatever you wanted to be If you could realize All the dreams you have inside Don't be afraid If you got something to say Just open up your heart And let it show you the way Don't you ever wish You were someone else You were meant to be The way you are exactly Don't you ever say You don't like the way you are When you learn to love yourself You're better off by far And I hope you always stay the same 'Cause there's nothing 'bout you I would change Believe in yourself Reach down inside The love you find will set you free Believe in yourself You will come alive Have fait...

Christmas Hymns ¦ Anthem Lights Mashup

O little town of Bethlehem How still we see thee lie Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by Silent Night Holy Night All is calm All is bright Round yon virgin Mother and child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Away in a manger No crib for His bed The little Lord Jesus Lay down His sweet head The stars in the sky Look down where He lay The little Lord Jesus Asleep on the hay Radiant beams from Thy Holy Face With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy Birth! Hark the herald angels sing "Glory to the newborn king" Joyful Joyful Lord we adore thee God of glory Lord of Love Joyful all ye nations rise Join the triumph of the skies Melt the clouds of sin and sadness Joy to the world! The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King Let every heart Prepare Him room And heaven and nature sing (We sing) And heaven and nature sing Glory to the newborn king The hopes and fears of all the years a...

Heaven Was Exists Before The Hell Existed

Hi all readers! How are you doing today? I hope you all are fine. Before I started my post I this content was always in my mind.  So before I start to write this blog post, first I want to apologize to the songwriters who I will discuss the song here. I don't want to offend anyone here.  I know that whatever I write is what God wants me to declare to all of us what He want to tell to us.  What the song that He want us to hear or sing.  First, I want to discussing a song from John Lennon entitled Imagine.  let's pay attention to the lyrics of this song: Imagine Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Aha-ah... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someda...

A Child's Prayer

Heavenly Father, are you really there? And do you hear and answer ev'ry child's prayer? Some say that heaven is far away, But I feel it close around me as I pray. Heavenly Father, I remember now Something that Jesus told disciples long ago: "Suffer the children to come to me." Father, in prayer I'm coming now to thee. Pray, he is there; Speak, he is list'ning. You are his child; His love now surrounds you. He hears your prayer; He loves the children. Of such is the kingdom, the kingdom of heav'n. Songwriters: Janice Kapp Perry 

Peristiwa-Peristiwa Akhir Zaman Page 5: Pelajarilah Kitab Daniel dan Wahyu Secara Khusus

Firman Allah perlu dipelajari lebih mendalam; terutama kitab Daniel dan Wahyu harus mendapat perhatian lebih dari yang sudahsudah. . . . Terang yang diterima Daniel dari Allah telah diberikan khususnya untuk akhir zaman.— TM 112, 113 (1896). Marilah kita membaca dan mempelajari kitab Daniel pasal dua belas. Itu adalah suatu amaran yang semua kita perlu memahaminya sebelum masa kesudahan.—15MR 228 (1903). Kitab terakhir dari Perjanjian Baru penuh dengan kebenaran yang perlu kita pahami.—COL 133 (1900). Ramalan-ramalan dalam kitab Wahyu yang belum digenapi akan segera digenapi. Nubuatan ini sekarang harus dipelajari dengan rajin oleh umat Allah dan harus dipahami dengan jelas. Kitab ini tidak menyembunyikan kebenaran; dengan jelas diberikannya amaran-amaran kepada kita tentang apa yang bakal terjadi.—1NL 96 (1903). Pekabaran serius yang telah diberikan sesuai dengan urutannya dalam kitab Wahyu seharusnya menempati tempat utama dalam pikiran umat Allah.— 8T 302 (1904)...


It was such a lovely day and the sun was shining bright A gentle breeze was blowin’ my way Not a storm cloud in sight Then suddenly without a warning A storm surrounded my life But even in the storm, I can feel the calm And here’s the reason why I know the Peacespeaker I know Him by name I know the Peacespeaker He controls the winds and waves When He says, “Peace, be still” They have to obey I'm glad I know the Peacespeaker Yes, I know Him by name There’s never been another man with the power of this friend By simply saying, “Peace, be still,” He can calm the strongest wind So now I'll never worry when storm clouds come my way I know that He is near to drive away my fear And I can smile and say I know the Peacespeaker I know Him by name I know the Peacespeaker He controls the winds and waves When He says, “Peace, be still” They have to obey I'm glad I know the Peacespeaker Yes, I know Him by name Peace, peace wonderful peace Coming dow...

Waktu Tuhan

By.  NDC Worship  Bila Kau Ijinkan Sesuatu Terjadi Kupercaya Semua Untuk Kebaikanku Bila Nanti Telah Tiba WaktuMu Kupercaya KuasaMu Memulihkan Hidupku Chorus Waktu Tuhan Pasti Yang Terbaik Walau Kadang Tak Mudah Dimengerti Lewati Cobaan Kutetap Percaya Waktu Tuhan Pasti Yang Terbaik

Bukti KebesaranMu

By.  NDC Worship Tuhan Kau sempurna Dalam rencanaMu dan karyaMu Kuserahkan hidupku Murnikan dengan rohMu Chorus Hidupku menggenapi firmanMu Tanda mujizat sertai tiap langkahku Kau bersamaku di dalamku Jadi bukti kebesaranMu

Dunia Bukan Rumahku

By. Maria Shandi Dunia ini bukanlah rumahku Semua yang ada hanya sementara Tak ada satupun yang dapat kubawa Saat ku kembali pada-Nya Ku sadari singkat hidup ini Seperti embun pagi yang datang dan pergi Selama kuhidup senangkan hatiMu Ku yakin kembali pada-Mu Reff: JanjiMu 'kan membawaku Dimana Kau ada, aku pun berada Ku nanti datangnya hariMu Bila tiba saatnya, ingatlah aku Bawaku tinggal bersamaMu Ku sadari singkat hidup ini Seperti embun pagi yang datang dan pergi Selama kuhidup senangkan hatiMu Ku yakin kembali pada-Mu

I Have Fixed My Mind

Hi! I'm back again..... This time I would like to share with you my favorite song again. This is a scripture song taken from the spirit of prophecy from the story of William Miller. And this is the story  behind the song I Have Fixed My Mind. William Miller 1782 - 1849   Miller was a farmer, justice of the peace, sheriff, and Baptist preacher, who, from 1831 to 1844, preached the immanent return of Christ. He was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. His mother was a deeply religious person, and his father a soldier. Probably as a result, there was tension in his early life between patriotism and religious belief. He was largely self-educated, attending school only for three months each winter between ages 9 and 14. As a young man, Miller was influenced by reading and association to become a deist. This is a belief that God made the world and then abandoned it to run according to certain natural laws. Miller volunteered for service in the War of 1812, a...

4 Keys to Sharing the Gospel With Buddhists

We can begin to contextualize the gospel by starting on common ground with the problem of suffering. In missions, contextualization is the art and science of bringing timeless, transcendent gospel truths into a culturally relevant, understandable form. Contextualization depends on the amount of common ground available between an unbelieving worldview and biblical categories. Communicating the gospel within an Eastern context is particularly challenging. Few, if any, biblical teachings translate easily into the  dharmic  religious context—a world of religions based on the cyclical nature of history, impersonal forces as the highest reality, and the goal of achieving nonexistence after death. Religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Shintoism continually confound Western missionaries. How can we share the gospel with Buddhists without a common set of shared assumptions? The Four Noble Truths can give Christians four useful conversational diving ...

Spirit in My Life

Hi Readers! How are you doing guys? I hope all of you are well. Well, I know, this year I rarely write my blogs. Actually, I'm upset with my life. I almost didn't want to serve anymore. I've never shown it to anyone, I just keep it to myself. But, I have never tried to stay away from God. I told to God in my prayer that I was hurtful to be treated unfairly. I'm willingly to be rest in God if He will me to rest in Him. I can't tell you guys what happened to me but now I have the spirit again. The spirit was because of the support of those who love me, like my family and friends. And thank God for being my biggest supporter, without the spirit from Him I can't do anything.  And of course you guys readers are my spirit too.  So guys, please don't stop praying for me so I can write more and more post for you. 

Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cerebral palsy A child with cerebral palsy Specialty Pediatrics, neurology, physiatry Symptoms Poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscles, tremors Complications Seizures, intellectual disability Usual onset Early childhood Duration Lifelong Causes Often unknown Risk factors Preterm birth, being a twin, certain infections during pregnancy, difficult delivery Diagnostic method Based on child's development Treatment Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, external braces, orthopedic surgery Medication Diazepam, baclofen, botulinum toxin Frequency 2.1 per 1,000 Cerebral palsy ( CP ) is a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood. Signs and symptoms vary among people and over time. Often, symptoms include poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscles, and tremors. There may be problems with sensation, vision, hearing, swallowing, and speaking. Often, babies with c...