15 Oct 2020

Sabbath School for Adults: Education: Lesson 3: The Law as Teacher

Thursday October 15

Jesus, Our Example 

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived the only human life in perfect obedience to the Father, in perfect obedience to the law of God. He did this so that He could be not just our substitute, which He was, but also our example, which He was too.

Read the following passages: Luke 2:51, 52; Phil. 2:8; Heb. 5:8; John 8:28, 29. How do they remind us of Christ’s obedience throughout His life?

Perhaps John said it the best when he wrote this: “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked” (1 John 2:6, NKJV). When we fix our eyes on the life of Christ and His ministry on earth, it is easy to see how He pleased the Father by His obedience. Christ did fulfill prophecy, and He upheld God’s laws throughout His lifetime.
Just as God told Moses to write down His law so that it might be a witness to Israel, Christ was the living embodiment of the witness to His apostles, disciples, to sinners, and saints. Now, rather than just having a set of rules to follow, we have the example of Jesus, a fleshand-blood human being, to follow, as well.
As teachers, what better role model can we present to students than the model of Jesus and how He obeyed the Father?
“That so-called faith in Christ which professes to release men from the obligation of obedience to God, is not faith, but presumption. ‘By grace are ye saved through faith.’ But ‘faith, if it hath not works, is dead.’ Ephesians 2:8; James 2:17. Jesus said of Himself before He came to earth, ‘I delight to do Thy will, O My God: yea, Thy law is within My heart.’ Psalm 40:8. And just before He ascended again to heaven He declared, ‘I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.’ John 15:10. The Scripture says, ‘Hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. . . . He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk even as He walked.’ 1  John 2:3-6.”—Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ, p. 61.

What can you do to better follow Christ’s example in all areas of your life and thus be a better teacher to others, as well? Though it’s kind of an old, trite idea, why does what we do—our actions—speak so much louder than what we say?

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