5 Nov 2020

Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White: The Family Of Leonard Hastings

 We found Brother Leonard Hastings's family in deep affliction. Sister Hastings met us with tears, exclaiming, “The Lord has sent you to us in a time of great need.” She had an infant about eight weeks old, which cried continually when awake. This, added to her wretched state of health, was fast wearing away her strength.

We prayed earnestly to God for the mother, following the directions given in James, and we had the assurance that our prayers were heard. Jesus was in the midst of us to break the power of Satan and release the captive. But we felt sure that the mother could not gain much strength until the cries of the child should cease. We anointed the child and prayed over it, believing that the Lord would give both mother and child peace and rest. It was done. The cries of the child ceased, and we left them both doing well. The gratitude of the mother could not be expressed.

Our interview with that dear family was very precious. Our hearts were knit together; especially was the heart of Sister Hastings knit with mine as were those of David and Jonathan. Our union was not marred while she lived.

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