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Showing posts from December, 2014

Kemana Tuhan akan membawa kita?

Saat Dia memanggilmu Jangan ragu untuk mengikuti-Nya. Ketika Dia memanggilmu untuk melayani-Nya Janganlah kamu menolaknya karena berkat telah tersedia bagimu. Dia pasti ingin engkau selalu dekat denganmu, anak  yang sangat dikasihi - Nya Renungkan firmanNya selalu siang dan malam dan nyanyikan pujian setiap saat dalam hati. Kau akan merasakan tuntunan-Nya dan Ia akan membawamu kedalam rencana-Nya yang indah.

He teaches us

He teaches us Goodness not of the visible He teaches us to repay evil with love All that he did was to teaches us Of His perfect love for us, sinful human beings. He came down from heaven to leave all the glory and lowly born in cage Even death on the cross as a criminal punishment when there is no fault in Him. When you hurt remember what Jesus suffered and you will be given the joy When the rough treatment you received remember God and you'll get relief When you receive no fairness keep in your mind He is faithful and fair It is not easy being a handicapped It is not easy being a poor and suffering You will receive rough treatment, unfair treatment every day But if every day and every moment God is in our hearts, peace will always be there.

God loves

The wind that blows Gently touched my heart The clear water flowed Refreshingly miserable heart His voice gentle Calling me, My child As a gentle breeze blowing As water flowed which is refreshing As cool as the air in the mountains Such was the love that I feel from Him Like the sand of the sea Like the stars in the sky Such a blessing that I received You probably see I have limitations But I say to you, my limitations is the greatness of God. People look at my limitations Someone speaks pity with my limitations Pity? why? Is it because of my limitations? No! Don't do that! Jesus, He gave me a blessing that I could become a blessing for others. Don't pity of me because I have a very amazing God.

Kasih Untuk Yang Hilang

Saat itu Ada seorang berdosa Datang pada Tuhan Dia berkata kepada-Nya Ya Tuhan aku tahu Engkau Melihat semua dosa yang kulakukan Aku tak pantas untuk diampuni. Bahkan untuk masuk ke hadirat-Mu aku tak layak. Tapi aku tak mau mati dengan dosa-dosaku ini. Bisakah Engkau membebaskan aku dari segala dosaku? Lalu Tuhan datang menghampirinya dan memeluk dia dengan penuh kasih Kata Tuhan kepadanya: Aku sudah lama mengampunimu anakKu. Aku telah memberikan hidupKu di kayu salib itu. Itu semua karena Aku sangat mengasihi engkau hai anakKu. Kembalilah padaKu dan kau akan Ku jadikan berharga untukKu. Kembalilah pada Tuhan dan Dia akan menjadikanmu anak yang sangat berharga bagi-Nya.