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Showing posts from October, 2022

With God at Dawn: November—He Careth for You: He Will Be with Us, November 1

God Promises His Care   W hen thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2. In this our day, many of God’s servants, though innocent of wrong-doing, will be given over to suffer humiliation and abuse at the hands of those who, inspired by Satan, are filled with envy and religious bigotry. Especially will the wrath of man be aroused against those who hallow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment; and at last a universal decree will denounce these as deserving of death.... His children must make it manifest that He is the only object of their worship, and that no consideration ... can induce them to make the least concession to false worship. To the loyal heart the commands of sinful, finite men will sink into insignificance beside the Word of the eternal God. Truth will be obeyed though the result be imprison...

Beginning of the End: Strong Men Conquered by Women

 When the Hebrews sinned against God’s law by yielding to temptation, their defense left them. When the people of God are faithful to His commandments, “there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor any divination against Israel” (Numbers 23:23). This is the reason that Satan uses all of his clever skills to attract them into sin. If those who claim to be the keepers of God’s law sin against it, they separate themselves from God and will not be able to stand against their enemies. The Israelites who could not be overcome by warfare or the sorcery of Midian fell victim to her harlots. This is the power that women, who have chosen to serve Satan, have used to destroy souls. “She has cast down many wounded, and all who were slain by her were strong men” (Proverbs 7:26). Joseph was tempted in this way. This is also why Samson betrayed his strength into the hands of the Philistines. Here David stumbled. And Solomon, the wisest of kings, became a slave of passion and sacrificed his integrity to...

With God at Dawn: Laborers to Shine as the Stars, October 31

Promises and Rewards A nd they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3. What we shall be in heaven is the reflection of what we are now in character and holy service. Christ said of Himself, “The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.” This, His work on earth, is His work in heaven. And our reward for working with Christ in this world is the greater power and wider privilege of working with Him in the world to come.—Christ's Object Lessons, 361. How many toil unselfishly and unweariedly for those who pass beyond their reach and knowledge! Parents and teachers lie down in their last sleep, their life-work seeming to have been wrought in vain; they know not that their faithfulness has unsealed springs of blessing that can never cease to flow; only by faith they see the children they have trained become a benediction and an inspiration to their fellow-men, and...

Beginning of the End: Phinehas Made an Atonement for Israel

 Phinehas “has turned back My wrath from the children of Israel,” was the divine message. “He was zealous for his God, and made atonement for the children of Israel.” The judgments given to Israel destroyed the survivors of that huge group who nearly forty years earlier brought upon themselves the sentence, “They shall surely die in the wilderness.” During their camping  on the plains of Jordan, “of those who were numbered by Moses and Aaron the priest when they numbered the children of Israel in the Wilderness of Sinai ... there was not left a man of them, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun” (Numbers 26:64, 65). God had sent judgments on Israel for yielding to the attractive temptations of the Midianites, but the tempters were not to escape the wrath of divine justice. “Take vengeance on the Midianites for the children of Israel,” was the command of God to Moses; “afterward you shall be gathered to your people.” One thousand men were chosen from each ...

With God at Dawn: God Accompanies His Servants, October 30

 Promises and Rewards B e strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9. To human agencies is committed the work of extending the triumphs of the cross from point to point. As the Head of the church, Christ is authoritatively calling upon every one who claims to believe on Him to follow His example of self-denial and self-sacrifice in working for the conversion of those whom Satan and his vast army are exerting every power to destroy. God’s people are called upon to rally without delay under the blood-stained banner of Christ Jesus. Unceasingly they are to continue their warfare against the enemy, pressing the battle even to the gates. And every one who is added to the ranks by conversion is to be assigned his post of duty. Every one should be willing to be or to do anything in this warfare. When church-members put forth earnest efforts to advance the message, they will live in the joy o...

Beginning of the End: How Balaam Led Israel into Sin

 This chapter is based on Numbers 25. With renewed faith in God the victorious armies of Israel returned from Bashan and were confident of conquering Canaan immediately. Only the Jordan river stood between them and the Promised Land. Just across the river was a rich plain watered with streams and shaded by fruitful palm trees. On the western border rose the towers and palaces of Jericho, “the city of palm trees.” On the eastern side of Jordan was a plain several miles wide and extending some distance along the river. This sheltered valley had a tropical climate. The Israelites camped here and found a good resting place in the acacia groves. But in the middle of these beautiful surroundings they were to encounter an evil more deadly than hosts of armed men or wild beasts of the wilderness. That country, rich in nature’s beauty, had been spoiled by its inhabitants. In the public worship of Baal, the most shameful scenes were acted out. All around them were places known for idolatry a...

With God at Dawn: God’s Love Is Promised, October 29

Promises and Rewards F or the love of Christ constraineth us. 2 Corinthians 5:14. Although His love is driven back by the stubborn heart, He returns to plead with greater force, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.” The winning power of His love compels souls to come in.... Christ will impart to His messengers the same yearning love that He Himself has in seeking for the lost. We are not merely to say, “Come.” There are those who hear the call, but their ears are too dull to take in its meaning. Their eyes are too blind to see anything good in store for them. Many realize their great degradation. They say, I am not fit to be helped, leave me alone. But the workers must not desist. In tender, pitying love, lay hold of the discouraged and helpless ones. Give them your courage, your hope, your strength. By kindness compel them to come.... If the servants of God will walk with Him in faith, He will give power to their message. They will be enabled so to present His love and the danger ...

Beginning of the End: Balaam Loses All He Tried to Gain

 Balak was overwhelmed with disappointed hope, fear, and rage. He was angry that Balaam could have given him even a small hint that he could expect him to curse Israel. Balak looked with scorn on the prophet’s compromising, deceptive ways, and exclaimed fiercely, “Now therefore, flee to your place. I said I would greatly honor you, but in fact, the Lord has kept you back from honor.” The answer was that the king had been warned ahead of time that Balaam could speak only the message given him from God. Before returning to his people, Balaam uttered a beautiful prophecy of the world’s Redeemer and the final destruction of the enemies of God: I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near; A Star shall come out of Jacob, A Scepter shall rise out of Israel, And batter the brow of Moab, And destroy all the sons of tumult. He closed by predicting the complete destruction of Moab and Edom, of Amalek and the Kenites, and so left the Moabite king with no ray of hope. Disappointed in his...

With God at Dawn: Jesus Went About Doing Good, October 28

Divine Commission and Examples W ho went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. Acts 10:38. Christ’s followers have been redeemed for service. Our Lord teaches that the true object of life is ministry. Christ Himself was a worker, and to all His followers He gives the law of service,—service to God and to their fellow-men. Here Christ has presented to the world a higher conception of life than they had ever known. By living to minister for others, man is brought into connection with Christ. The law of service becomes the connecting link which binds us to God and to our fellow-men. To His servants Christ commits “His goods”—something to be put to use for Him. He gives “to every man his work.” Each has his place in the eternal plan of heaven. Each is to work in co-operation with Christ for the salvation of souls. Not more surely is the place prepared for us in the heavenly mansions than is the special place designated on earth where we a...

Beginning of the End: Balak Tries Again

 Balak decided that the impressive scene presented by the vast camp of the Hebrews had so frightened Balaam that he did not  dare to practice his magic arts against them. The king determined to take the prophet to some point where he could see only a small part of the camp. Again seven altars were built, and the same offerings were placed on them as at the first. The king and his princes stayed by the sacrifices, while Balaam stepped away to meet with God. Again the prophet was given a divine message, which he was powerless to change or withhold. When he appeared, Balak asked him, “What has the Lord spoken?” The answer struck terror to the heart of the king and princes: God is not a man, that He should lie, ...Behold, I have received a command to bless;He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.He has not observed iniquity in Jacob,Nor has He seen wickedness in Israel.The Lord his God is with him,And the shout of a kingis among them. The great magician had tried his power of ench...

With God at Dawn: Paul Kept the Faith, October 27

 Divine Commission and Examples I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7. From the judgment-hall of Caesar, Paul returned to his cell, realizing that he had gained for himself only a brief respite. He knew that his enemies would not rest until they had compassed his death. But he knew also that for a time truth had triumphed. To have proclaimed a crucified and risen Saviour before the vast crowd who had listened to him, was in itself a victory. That day a work had begun which would grow and strengthen, and which Nero and all other enemies of Christ would seek in vain to hinder or destroy.... Through his long term of service, Paul had never faltered in his allegiance to his Saviour. Wherever he was,—whether before scowling Pharisees, or Roman authorities; before the furious mob at Lystra, or the convicted sinners in the Macedonian dungeon; whether reasoning with the panic-stricken sailors on the shipwrecked vessel, or standing alon...

Beginning of the End: Balaam Sees God’s Favor on Israel

 Balaam saw the growth and prosperity of the true Israel of God to the close of time, the special favor of the Most High on those who love and fear Him. He saw them supported by His arm as they entered the dark valley of the shadow of death, and he witnessed them coming out of their graves, crowned with glory, honor, and immortality. He viewed the redeemed rejoicing in the unfading glories of the new earth. As he saw the crown of glory on every head and their endless life of happiness, he uttered the solemn prayer, “Let me die the death of the righteousness, and let my end be like his!” If Balaam had been in the habit of accepting the light God had given, he would have severed all connection with Moab immediately. He would have returned to God with deep repentance. But Balaam loved the rewards o B f unrighteousness. Balak had expected a curse that would fall like a withering plague on Israel, and he angrily exclaimed, “What have you done to me? I took you to curse my enemies, and l...

With God at Dawn: Go Without Fear, October 26

Divine Commission and Examples B ut the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Jeremiah 1:7. God dwells in every abode; He hears every word that is spoken, listens to every prayer that is offered, tastes the sorrows and disappointments of every soul, regards the treatment that is given to father, mother, sister, friend, and neighbor. He cares for our necessities, and His love and mercy and grace are continually flowing to satisfy our need. But if you call God your Father, you acknowledge yourselves His children, to be guided by His wisdom, and to be obedient in all things, knowing that His love is changeless. You will accept His plan for your life.—Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 105. How often those who trusted the Word of God, though in themselves utterly helpless, have withstood the power of the whole world,—Enoch, pure in heart, holy in life, holding fast his faith in the triump...

Beginning of the End: Balaam Prevented From Cursing Israel

 When he saw the messenger of God, Balaam exclaimed in terror, “I have sinned, for I did not know that You stood in the way against me. Now therefore, if it displeases You, I will turn back.” The Lord allowed him to continue on his journey, but divine power would control his words. God would give Moab evidence that the Hebrews were under the guardianship of Heaven, and He did this when He showed them how powerless Balaam was to utter a curse against them. The king of Moab, informed of Balaam’s approach, went out to meet him. When he expressed astonishment at Balaam’s delay in view of the rich rewards awaiting him, the prophet answered, “Have I any power at all to say anything? The word that God puts in my mouth, that I must speak.” Balaam greatly regretted this restriction because he was afraid that his plans could not be carried out. The king, with the chief dignitaries of the kingdom, escorted Balaam to “the high places of Baal,” where he could see the Hebrew camp. How little the...

With God at Dawn: Tell Your Children, October 25

 Divine Commission and Examples T ell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation. Joel 1:3. Not until parents themselves walk in the law of the Lord with perfect hearts, will they be prepared to command their children after them. A reformation in this respect is needed,—a reformation which shall be deep and broad.... They should patiently instruct their children, kindly and untiringly teach them how to live in order to please God. The children of such a household are prepared to meet the sophistries of infidelity. They have accepted the Bible as the basis of their faith, and they have a foundation that cannot be swept away by the incoming tide of skepticism.... Like the patriarchs of old, those who profess to love God should erect an altar to the Lord wherever they pitch their tent. If ever there was a time when every house should be a house of prayer, it is now. Fathers and mothers should often lift up their hearts to G...

Beginning of the End: A Donkey “Sees” More Than a Prophet

 Annoyed at Balaam’s delay and expecting another refusal, the messengers from Moab started out on their homeward journey without talking to Balaam again. Every excuse for complying with Balak’s request had now been removed, but Balaam was determined to get the reward. Taking the donkey he usually rode, he started out and pressed eagerly forward to catch up with the messengers, impatient to gain the coveted reward. But “the Angel of the Lord took His stand in the way as an adversary against him.” Balaam did not see the divine messenger, but the animal did and turned aside from the highway into a field. With cruel blows, Balaam brought the beast back into the path. But again, in a narrow place shut in by walls, the angel appeared. The donkey, trying to avoid the frightening figure, crushed her master’s foot against the wall. Balaam did not know that God was obstructing his path. He became exasperated, and beating his donkey unmercifully, forced it to move forward. Again, “in a narrow...

With God at Dawn: Look on the Fields, October 24

 Divine Commission and Examples S ay not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. John 4:35. Vast territories are opened before us where the light of truth has never penetrated. Whichever way we look we see rich harvests ready to be gathered, but there are none to do the reaping. Prayers are offered for the triumph of the truth. What do your prayers mean, brethren? ... a success that will sustain and support itself without any effort on your part? ... There must be an awakening, a spiritual renovation. The temperature of Christian piety must be raised. Plans must be devised and executed for the spread of truth to all nations of the earth. Satan is lulling Christ’s professed followers to sleep, while souls are perishing all around them; and what excuse can they give to the Master for their negligence? ... There is work for every individual who names the name of Ch...

Beginning of the End: How One Sin Opened the Door to Satan’s Control

 In the morning, Balaam sent the messengers away but did not tell them what the Lord had said. Angry that his visions of wealth and honor had been dispelled, he exclaimed, “Go back to your land, for the Lord has refused to give me permission to go with you.” Balaam “loved the wages of unrighteousness” (2 Peter 2:15). The sin of covetousness had destroyed his integrity, and through this one fault Satan gained complete control of him. The tempter constantly presents worldly gain and honor to lure people from the service of God. This is how many people are persuaded to leave the path of faithful honesty. One wrong step makes the next one easier, and they become more and more careless. They will do the most terrible things once they have given themselves to the control of greed and desire for power. Many tell themselves that they can set aside their honesty and faithfulness for a while and change their mind when they please. They are tangling themselves up in Satan’s trap, and usually ...

With God at Dawn: Preach the Word, October 23

Divine Commission and Examples P reach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 2 Timothy 4:2. The subject of Christ’s teaching was the Word of God. He met questioners with a plain, “It is written,” “What saith the Scripture?” “How readest thou?” At every opportunity, when an interest was awakened by either friend or foe, He presented the Word. With clearness and power He proclaimed the gospel message. His words shed a flood of light on the teachings of patriarchs and prophets, and the Scriptures came to men as a new revelation. Never before had His hearers perceived in the Word of God such depth of meaning.—Gospel Workers, 44. God wants the youth to become men of earnest mind, to be prepared for action in His noble work, and fitted to bear responsibilities. God calls for young men with hearts uncorrupted, strong and brave, and determined to fight manfully in the struggle before them, that they may glorify God, and bles...

Beginning of the End: Balaam Tries to Curse Israel

 This chapter is based on Numbers 22 to 24. Preparing to invade Canaan immediately, the Israelites camped beside the Jordan river above its entrance into the Dead Sea, just across from the plain of Jericho, on the borders of Moab. The Moabites had not been harassed by Israel, yet they had watched with troubled uneasiness everything that had happened in the surrounding countries. The Amorites, who had forced them to retreat, had been conquered by the Hebrews. Israel now possessed the territory the Amorites had taken from Moab. The armies of Bashan had fallen before the mysterious power hidden in the cloudy pillar, and the Hebrews occupied the giant strongholds. The Moabites dared not risk launching an attack, but as Pharaoh had done, they determined to use magic to counteract the work of God. The people of Moab had close connections with the Midianites, and Balak, the king of Moab, gained their cooperation against Israel by the message, “Now this company will lick up everything arou...

With God at Dawn: Go Ye, October 22

Divine Commission and Examples G o ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19. The gospel commission is the great missionary charter of Christ’s kingdom.... The disciples were to carry their work forward in Christ’s name. Their every word and act was to fasten attention on His name, as possessing that vital power by which sinners may be saved. Their faith was to center in Him who is the source of mercy and power. In His name they were to present their petitions to the Father, and they would receive answer. They were to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Christ’s name was to be their watchword, their badge of distinction, their bond of union, the authority for their course of action, and the source of their success. Nothing was to be recognized in His kingdom that did not bear His name and superscription. When Christ said to the disciples, Go forth in My name to gather ...

Beginning of the End: Israel’s Fatal Mistake

 Many remembered the events that nearly forty years before had doomed Israel to long desert wandering. The report of the spies concerning the Promised Land was correct in many respects. The cities were walled and very great and inhabited by giants. But now they could see the fatal mistake of the previous generation in distrusting the power of God. This had prevented them from entering the beautiful land at once. God had promised His people that if they would obey His voice He would go ahead of them and fight for them. He would drive out the inhabitants of the land. But now Israel must go forward against alert and powerful foes and do battle with well-trained armies that had been preparing to resist. The earlier generation had failed dramatically. But the test was more severe now than when God had commanded Israel to go forward. The difficulties had greatly increased since they refused to go forward when told to do so. God still tests His people, and if they fail He brings them agai...

With God at Dawn: Christ Came to Call Sinners, October 21

Jesus Came to Do His Father's Work I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Mark 2:17. He who came from heaven to be our example spent nearly thirty years of His life in common, mechanical labor; but during this time He was studying the Word and the works of God, and helping, teaching, all whom His influence could reach. When His public ministry began, He went about healing the sick, comforting the sorrowful, and preaching the gospel to the poor. This is the work of all His followers.... In the heart touched by His love, there is begotten a desire to work for Him. Let this desire be encouraged and rightly guided. Whether in the home, the neighborhood, or the school, the presence of the poor, the afflicted, the ignorant, or the unfortunate, should be regarded, not as a misfortune, but as affording precious opportunity for service. In this work, as in every other, skill is gained in the work itself. It is by training in the common duties of life and in ministry to...

Beginning of the End: Moses Trusted God

 Confident of success, the king came out with an immense army on the open plain. When the Hebrews looked at that giant of giants towering above the soldiers of his army, when they saw the seemingly invincible fortress with unseen thousands entrenched behind it, the hearts of many quaked with fear. But Moses was calm and firm; the Lord had said concerning the king of Bashan, “Do not fear him: for I have delivered him and all his people and his land into your hand; you shall do to him as you did to Sihon king of the Amorites.” No mighty giants, walled cities, armed hosts, nor rocky fortresses could stand before the Captain of the Lord’s host. The Lord led the army, and the Lord conquered in behalf of Israel. The giant king and his army were destroyed, and the Israelites soon took possession of the whole country. Thus that strange people who had given themselves up to terrible idolatry were blotted from the earth.

With God at Dawn: He Shall Justify Many, October 20

Jesus Came to Do His Father's Work H e shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53:11. True holiness is wholeness in the service of God. This is the condition of true Christian living. Christ asks for an unreserved consecration, for undivided service. He demands the heart, the mind, the soul, the strength. Self is not to be cherished. He who lives to himself is not a Christian. Love must be the principle of action. Love is the underlying principle of God’s government in heaven and earth, and it must be the foundation of the Christian’s character. This alone can make and keep him steadfast. This alone can enable him to withstand trial and temptation. And love will be revealed in sacrifice. The plan of redemption was laid in sacrifice—a sacrifice so broad and deep and high that it is immeasurable. Christ gave all for us, and those who receive Christ will be ready ...

Beginning of the End: How God Revealed His Love to Wicked Nations

 These nations on the borders of Canaan would have been spared if they had not stood to oppose Israel in defiance of God’s word. The Lord gave Abraham the promise, “In the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete” (Genesis 15:16). God spared them for four hundred years to give unmistakable evidence that He was the only true God. All His miracles in bringing Israel from Egypt were familiar to them. They could have known the truth, but they rejected the light and clung to their idols. When the Lord brought His people to the borders of Canaan a second time, those heathen nations were given more evidence of His power. They saw that God was with Israel in the victory over King Arad and the Canaanites and in the miracle to save those dying from the sting of the serpents. In all their journeys and encampments the Israelites had done no harm to the people or their possessions. On reaching the border of the Amorites, Israel had asked per...

With God at Dawn: Christ’s Work Is Our Work, October 19

Jesus Came to Do His Father's Work T o proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourn. Isaiah 61:2. The example of the Saviour should inspire us to put forth earnest, self-sacrificing effort for the good of others. He came to this world as the unwearied servant of man’s necessity. Love for the lost race was manifested in all that He said and did. He clothed His divinity with humanity, that He might stand among human beings as one of them,—a sharer of their poverty and their griefs. What a busy life He led! Day by day He might be seen entering the humble abodes of want and sorrow, speaking hope to the downcast and peace to the distressed. This is the work that He asks His people to do today. Humble, gracious, tender-hearted, pitiful, He went about doing good, lifting up the bowed-down and comforting the sorrowful. None who came to Him went away unhelped. To all He brought hope and gladness.... The opportunities that He has gi...

Beginning of the End: The Conquest of Bashan

This chapter is based on Deuteronomy 2; 3:1-11. After passing south of Edom, the Israelites turned north toward the Promised Land. Their route now lay over a vast, high plain, swept by cool, fresh breezes, a welcome change from the hot, dry valley. They pressed forward, happy and hopeful. God had commanded, “Do not harass Moab, nor contend with them in battle, for I will not give you any of their land as a possession, because I have given Ar to the descendants of Lot.” The same was repeated concerning the Ammonites, also descendants of Lot. The people of Israel soon reached the country of the Amorites. This strong, warlike people had crossed the Jordan, made war on the Moabites, and gained some of their territory. The route to the Jordan lay directly through this territory, and Moses sent a friendly message to Sihon, the Amorite king: “Let me pass through your land. ... You shall sell me food for money, that I may eat, and give me water for money, that I may drink; only let me pass thr...

With God at Dawn: Christ’s Work Specified, October 18

Jesus Came to Do His Father's Work T he Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. Isaiah 61:1. He went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed by Satan. There were whole villages where there was not a moan of sickness in any house; for He had passed through them, and healed all their sick. His work gave evidence of His divine anointing. Love, mercy, and compassion were revealed in every act of His life; His heart went out in tender sympathy to the children of men. He took man’s nature, that He might reach man’s wants. The poorest and humblest were not afraid to approach Him. Even little children were attracted to Him. They loved to climb upon His knees, and gaze into the pensive face, benignant with love. Jesus did not suppress one word of truth, but He uttered it alway...