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Showing posts from May, 2015


Saat ini Aku membayangkan Tempat yang indah yang Yesus janjikan Disana tak ada lagi air mata, tak ada lagi kepedihan, Tak ada lagi ratap tangis karena kematian  orang yang terkasih Disana aku bukan lagi seorang gadis dengan cerebral palsy Aku membayangkan akan berjalan dengan kedua kakiku bersamaNya Disana negeri yang akan selalu terang takkan ada lagi kegelapan yang menaungi Disana aku akan melihat dan bertemu dengan Bapa, Yesus, Roh Kudus dan para malaikat Disana aku akan bermain dengan semua hewan, singa, domba, harimau, gajah dan yang lainnya Disana adalah istanaku tempat dimana aku akan tinggal bersama Tuhan dan semua umat pilihanNya untuk selama-lamanya

My Lord Thou are really amazing

My Lord Thou are really amazing In my life filled with limitations I have really indefinite Thou I had a lot of sins, yes very sinful But Thou come to save me and wipe my sin You are so precious to me that's what Thou whisper to me I want to love Thee forever for thou hast first loved me I want to serve Thee forever for thou hast love me forever Love Thee is beautiful more beautiful than love my lover I admire Thy love O Lord Jesus Thou are really make me amazed to Thee I want to more and more Love Thee because there is no eternal love than the love of My Lord

Tangan Yang Ajaib

Tuhan Maaf bila Aku meragukan janjiMu Ampuni aku karena meragukan Engkau Aku yang tak sabar menanti janji yang Engkau janjikan Aku hanya seorang yang berdosa yang mendapatkan anugerah-Mu Aku bukan apa-apa tanpa tangan-Mu yang ajaib. Tangan yang Ajaib itu selalu menopangku saat aku jatuh Tangan yang ajaib itu memberiku makan disaat aku lapar. Tangan yang ajaib itu yang menuntunku kembali padaNya. Tangan yang ajaib itu yang memberiku semangat ketika aku lemah Tangan yang ajaib itu yang selalu memberikan mujizatNya untukku Tangan yang ajaib itu yang selalu menghapus air mataku disaat aku menangis Aku memang memiliki keterbatasan tapi aku memiliki Tuhan yang tak terbatas yang selalu ada untukku Lord Sorry if I doubted Your promise Forgive me for doubting you I could hardly wait for the promise that you promised I'm just a sinner who earn Your grace I'm nothing without thy hands are magical. Miraculous hand it has always supported me when I fall Wonderful ha...

Lord help me

Lord Help me Too many things that will Obstructing me to serve Thee I want all of the Loved One, and all the Loving me, support me To continue to serve you, my Lord But they are all too stranger to me Your promise as seems impossible to me And it seems they do not want to see me in your service Lord help me, please.... Help me Lord Jesus, Please help me! Tuhan Tolong aku Terlalu banyak Hal yang ingin Menghalangiku Untuk melayani-Mu Aku ingin semua yang Kucintai, dan semua yang Mengasihi aku, mendukungku Untuk tetap melayani-Mu ya Tuhanku Tapi mereka terlalu asing bagiku Janji-Mu seolah terlihat mustahil bagiku Dan sepertinya mereka tidak mau melihat aku melayaniMu Tolong aku Tuhan, tolong aku.... Tolong aku Tuhan Yesus, Tolong bantu aku!

Just believe

When we are weak, Just believe Lord is stronger When life uncertainty When the problem is severe And there seemed no way out Just believe Him, because Lord is very strong His hand is a mighty, would be able to help any Heavy problems in our lives If our life is filled with burden and suffering Just believe, he can lift the burden of our suffering If you feel lonely Just believe, he is always near you When life seems hopeless Just believe there is hope in Him Just believe, always on the Lord for He is able to change the pains that you feel to be a true joy Just believe, His miracles are still there for people who really love Him Just trust Him, even the devil would make you hesitate, you would still win because you believe in the Lord Psalm 23 NIV A psalm of David. 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2     He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3     he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the r...

I'm confused about what should I write?

I'm confused about what should I write? About love? but I do not feel it now. Love? What is love? what is the meaning of love? How do you know that you feel love someone? Why do you love him? because he was good-looking? Or Because he was a rich man? and others. So what about this man who called Jesus Christ? Do you love Him? I suppose, we are not was too love Him To seek Him alone, we don't want to because it's are too much pleasure that hinders us To listen to Him alone, we are too many reasons not want to hear because we prefer to hear the things that destroy our minds How many times do you seek Him and find Him, and how many times you listen to him speak in your heart Don't love someone before you meet and love Him because from Him you will learn how to love everyone even your enemies Isaiah 53:3-5 NIV 3 He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and w...

It Is Well With My Soul

I heard this song when I was a baby And when I was a teenager I was very seriously ill At that time my father left his family and then my parents divorced My aunt sing this song, and she said to me when you're sad or when you have a problem sing this song. And now when I am sad or when I have a problem I will sing this song and when I sing this song, then, my soul will feel peaceful. :) When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul. Refrain: It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!— My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my sou...

Jesus In Heart

When you say Jesus is in the heart, Do you know how Jesus is in the heart? Do you know how God touched your heart? He made you do something you never imagined. He touches your heart to forgive those who hate you and harm you He makes you love them, befriend them and bring them closer to Him. When God touches your heart Suffering that you feel will not be felt. Being a child of God does not mean there is no misery Being a child of God does not mean there would be no problem in your life Your life is wonderful even in suffering Wonderful life even in severe problems Your life is wonderful even in life that is not pleasant Your life is wonderful even in the injustices of in life Your life is wonderful even in whatever happens in your life Your thanks to Him never stopped flowing from your lips because he is in your life Your thanks to Him never stopped flowing from your lips because he was in your heart

Why Me

This is my favorite song This song is very touched my heart since the first time I heard it Why Me Lord ~ Gaither Vocal Band ~ Lyrics Why me, Lord What have I ever done To deserve even one Of the pleasures I've known Tell me, Lord What did I ever do That was worth loving You Or the kindness You've shown Lord, help me, Jesus I've wasted it so Help me, Jesus I know what I am Now that I know That I've needed You So help me, Jesus My soul's in Your hands Try me, Lord If You think there's a way I could ever repay All I've taken from You Maybe, Lord I can show someone else What I've been through myself On my way back to You Lord, help me, Jesus I've wasted it so Help me, Jesus I know what I am Now that I know That I've needed You So help me, Jesus My soul's in Your hands Now that I know That I've needed You So help me, Jesus My soul's in Your hands

O Lord be your will in my life

everyday Thou do something That I never imagined Everyday thou show thy love to me I adore thee with all things that happen in my life Even bitter and reality make distress in my heart You have always given me the reassure comfort of my heart Love and thy faithful there for me every moment in my life Thou knowest what is best in my life. so, O Lord be your will in my life Whatever Thou do O Lord in my life it is best for me and the people that Thou love Lord Jesus, Thy love never discharged for everyone who love Thee Thou have lured my heart with all that Thou have done, And that's make me want to give my life and my heart to Thee O Lord I fill my soul in Thy hands forever so Thou alone are entitled to my life

He is my inspiration

Many people say My poetry is nice and beautiful And they ask Who taught you to write poetry Let me answer it here If not because I love Him It was impossible the beautiful words in my poetry If God does not there in my life I can not possibly write about Him, About his love, about all His works which He revealed in me He was everything in my life, Jesus was the most beautiful I have ever had in my life. He had taught me the words that he also taught me a beautiful writing poetry So I wrote poem is from He who created me He is my inspiration