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Showing posts from December, 2016

Jesus! I Can Never Throw Away

 I may throw away A dark past, I may throw away All the things most precious in this life I may throw away all which is the most important thing In my life but one that can't I throw awayis Jesus! My belief in Him can't I throw away. Jesus!  I can never throw away Him. He's the most valuable thing, from the The most valuable that I have today. He could never be replaced. Everyone left me but He was never the slightest left me For the world I'm worthless, but  I'm the same for Him He never distinguished me Many people who distinguished me from the others. I love him more than my beloved in this world. I miss her more than I missed in this world. I worship Him more than people whom I adore in this world Although the family became the most difficult barriers, I would never resign to Him Even if they tried to silence me, I would never retreat to witness for Him. I will surrender to Jesus, I will never gave up, to serve Him to worship Him.

If The Father Doesn't Love us

If the father doesn't love us He may not give His only begotten Son To born in cattle sheds and crucified The love of God has been proven and no one can dispute Because of His love is so great that He has given His Son So that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. Father loves us so much that He was willing to give His Son, that's the best of His Love There's no better love than the love of God the Father for all of us who have sinned are saved by Him Today almost all the Christians of the world celebrate Christmas, but, what the real meaning of Christmas? Was Jesus really born today? Did Jesus exist only in the heart only every Christmas? Or everyday you invite Him into your heart? Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th. Nobody knows when the date of birth of the Savior but He actually was born and he was really there. Jesus Christ is real and His promises are sure. He would have come immediately without suspending the time ...

If Jesus Came Today

If Jesus came today Is it such a surprise or joy I do believe that my Lord's promise is certainly! Since childhood belief was inculcated in my heart Since childhood I kept waiting for him to come from heaven But strangely enough I never tired of waiting for him  But Am I ready for His coming? Do I deserve to go into His holy kingdom? Does all the people I love to be there with me rejoice with the Lord in His Kingdom? The happiest day when Jesus came to pick up his people back to his dwelling in heaven.

Because of His love

Because of His love, He has given to me a good mother Because of His love, He has given me a mother who has always loved me He has given me a mother who never gave up, the mother who always fought for Because of His love,  He has given to me a very best mother who always be there for me  Because of His love that He gave me a great mother in the world She always loved me, always be a good friend for me,  she is my feet to walk, my hands to do all things She always be excited if I tell I will serve at the churches, and she will help me to be a good servant of God. She is my everything....   I'm thankful to God for He make me born from this wonderful woman He given me a greatest mother in the world and that's why I really thankful to Him I never see a good mother like my mom she is like an angel for me she is a great mom of mine Maybe if I was born with other women I never imagined how my life would be within the limitations I will always love my mo...

As long as I have this this passion

Now I understand About something I know my passion is To serve the Lord As long as I have this Passion in my heart I will always serve my Lord This is my dream for all my life This is my desire to always be The daughter of the Lord forever As long as I have a faith in the Lord I will always serve my Lord for all my life I know I always have a faithful God and I will choose to be faithful to Him forever Even though there are many hurdles I will keep serving God I know He created me to be His person to proclaimed His word To tell to the world about His love for all human beings though we are not worthy But with His love we were free from sin and we are loved enough to be a child of God Love and believe in Him and He will enough for you and me in this life for all time

I need Thee

I need Thee To be my father I need Thee To renew my life I Thy love every day Every single time I need Thee to be everything I just want to be your daughter O Lord I am so thankful for what You have done since I was born untill now I think having a love one can make me happy But when I'm with You I'm more happy than having a love one Lord I love you I know that You are my faithful friend who always be there for me I thankful every day for You are my Lord for am a sinner person and You saved me by Your grace You touch my heart everyday with thy soft and sweet love for me, You always have a love for me I need Thee to make me feel better with my limitations in my life forever so I can always show to the world that my God is always there for me

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Oh, what words I hear Him say! Happy place! so near, so precious! May it find me there each day; Sitting at the feet of Jesus, I would look upon the past; For His love has been so gracious, It has won my heart at last. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Where can mortal be more blest? There I lay my sins and sorrows, And, when weary, find sweet rest; Sitting at the feet of Jesus, There I love to weep and pray; While I from His fullness gather Grace and comfort every day. Bless me, O my Savior, bless me, As *I sit low at Thy feet; [*I’m waiting] Oh, look down in love upon me, Let me see Thy face so sweet; Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus, Keep me holy as He is; May I prove I’ve been with Jesus, Who is all my righteousness.

Tuhan Yesus Engkaulah Layak Disembah

Tuhan Yesus Aku melayani-Mu karena Kasih-Mu Tak pernah terlintas di dalam hatiku Untuk menyombongkan diriku karena Engkau yang membuat aku seperti saat ini Engkau adalah Pencipta yang Agung dan Mulia Aku hanyalah manusia ciptaan yang lemah Yang tak mengerti apa yang sedang Engkau rencanakan bagiku Kadang apa yang aku inginkan dalam hidupku berbeda dengan Kehendak-Mu Dan aku mulai lelah dan bosan menyembah Engkau padahal aku yang tak pernah mengerti pikiranMu Mungkin yang Engkau berikan kepadaku itulah yang terbaik untukku dan rancangan-Mu adalah sempurna adanya Seharusnya aku tak berhak untuk mendapatkan kasih yang berharga itu karena dosaku yang sangat besar Tapi Engkau datang ke dunia ini mati terhina untuk menebus segala dosa dunia ini. Engkau menjadi Juruselamatku seumur hidupku Tuhan Yesus Engkaulah yang layak untuk disembah yang Mulia dan Ajaib Yang kasih setiaNya tak pernah berkesudahan sampai selama-lamanya posted from Bloggeroid

This Blog is My Dream

Everyone has a dream And I have a dream too This blog is my dream No one is without a dream I can be what I dreamed of I thankfully to God because I can created this blog to tell you About Jesus Christ and His love Thank you for all the help and support To make my life more joy and peace of mind I never thought that I was having a blog like this Even all the way is too hard for me to write but I Try to do my best to make it happen and good to read posted from Bloggeroid

Imam Al-Masih, sahabat dekat Rasulullah SAW

Ini adalah sebuah posting yang saya ambil dari facebook teman saya k'Danial Sutami. Dengan izin dari k'Danial saya post article ini.   Saya rindu untuk membagikan postingan ini kepada para readers blog saya... Saya harap siapapun yang membaca artikel ini semoga bermanfaat dan terbuka pintu hatinya ketika membaca artikel di bawah ini. Kurang lebih 2000 tahun lalu, ada seorang tukang kayu biasa yang melakukan hal-hal fenomenal bagi warga marjinal namun kontroversial bagi ulama-ulama mapan dan terkenal. Ia menyembuhkan orang sakit, membuat orang lumpuh berjalan, orang buta melihat, mentahirkan penderita kusta, mengusir setan yang merasuk, dan bahkan membangkitkan orang mati. Beliau mendobrak ritual-ritual ibadah yang tampak saleh diluar namun tak berdampak pada akhlak. Ketika semua umat pada umumnya puasa, beliau dan pengikutnya tidak berpuasa. Beliau memetik gandum dan memberi makan pengikutnya yang lapar serta menyembuhkan orang yang sakit pada hari Sabat, hari yang disuc...

RancanganMu indah bagi hidupku

DarahMu sucikanku Begitu mulia kematianMu Juruselamatku yang penuh kasih Begitu indah dan mengagumkan Yang Engkau berikan kepada dunia ini Engkau berikan suatu yang tidak bisa Di berikan dunia ini padaku. Engkau berikan kepada kami yang terindah Sekalipun itu terlihat tak seindah yang ku bayangkan RencanaMu indah pada waktunya dan ku percaya itu adalah yang terbaik untukku FirmanMu itu berkata kepadaku:   Seperti tingginya langit dari bumi, demikianlah tingginya jalan-Ku dari jalanmu dan rancangan-Ku dari rancanganmu. Yesaya 55:9 (TB) Tak bisa ku selami rancanganMu dalam hidupku yang dengan penuh keterbatasan ini Engkau adalah Tuhan yang ajaib yang menciptakan langit dan bumi yang juga menciptakan aku Aku percaya Engkau memiliki rancangan yang indah bagi hidupku