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Showing posts from 2015

Because Forever Only Thee That We Have

Today Is the last day In year 2015 The days were full of joy A day where there is sorrow The days when we serve Everything has gone through because of Thou Always there be with and bless The new year is coming Keep Thou shine for thy glory through us Thine own people Forgive us our sins and stay with us because forever only Thee that we have We know Thy coming is very soon and Thine kingdom is near so soon we will See Thy face and we will live with Thee our Heavenly Father the King Of kings O we longing for that day... So come O Lord Jesus we still await Thy coming 

Lord Jesus Really Touched My Heart

This time the Lord Jesus Really touched my heart My faith gently grow Because His love for this world It's made me realize Come before Him I don't even deserve To serve Him I have really not deserve But..... He made me become worthy to Himself Made me to be worthy to come before Him And He made me to be worthy to serve Him His love more wonderful than I ever imagined

Aku percaya pada-Nya

Kau tahu Apa yang ada Dalam pikiranku Saat ini hatiku berkata Dia tak pantas diragukan Banyak cerita fiksi saat ini Mengagungkan si jahat dan Berkata Dia tidak pernah ada Tuhan Yesus tidak pernah ada Iblis ingin kita melupakan Tuhan Yesus Tapi untukku Dia ada, Dia nyata untukku Berkat-Nya nyata untuk semua manusia Dia lahir, tumbuh sebagai manusia dan Dia Menjadi korban penghapus dosa semua manusia Apapun yang mereka katakan untukku Dia adalah Tuhan Dia adalah Juruselamatku yang selalu mengasihi aku apapun yang terjadi Aku percaya pada-Nya, sampai kapanpun aku akan selalu percaya pada-Nya

Let's praise The Lord Jesus

Let's praise Lord Jesus Let's people Praise His name Let's praise The Lord Because He given us His Son Let's be happy because we have Jesus Christ our Lord inside our heart Let's thank the Lord because He born In this world to be our precious saviour

Happy Mother's Day Mom

Today Indonesia commemorate the Mother's Day My mother may Not staying here anymore But still my mother is Indonesian She also the daughter of an Indonesian hero And I'm proud to have a mother like her. A daughter of God. Mother always taught me to be faithful to the Lord with her attitude. No matter what happens in her life, she still showed faithful attitude to the Lord She's the one who taught me how to be faithful to serve the Lord as long as we live no matter what happens in a life. She's the one who taught me how to love our enemy though they've really made us in deep pain we must forgive and pray for them. My Mom is the best mom in the world. why? Because she always make her children be near to the Heavenly Father in everyday, every hour, every moment in life

Let my heart praise Thee

Let my heart praise Thee With a poem to The Lord O Son Of God I want to give my ear to heard Thy voice I want to give my heart so I could love Thee And I could keep in my heart Your commandment There is none like Thee, who is the savior more than Thee I want to give my life to Thee let Thy work happens in my life There is none like Thee Because Thou art The King of Kings I want to bless thee in all my life for Thou art my Lord and my King

There Is None Like You by: Shani Judd-Diehl

I really like this song Every time I hear it Made me realize there's none like Jesus I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses and the voice I hear falling on my ears the Son of God discloses There is none like you No one else can touch my heart like you do I can search for all eternity Lord and find there is none like you You speak and the sound of your voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing and the melody that you gave to me within my heart is ringing Bridge: When you walk with me and you talk with me and tell me I am you're own and the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known

Don't Be Proud

Don't be proud of what you have done.  Be proud of God who has granted you that talent God know your heart and He see it,  Give Him glory from your heart He will give you grace His Word will never fail it is our victory and strength Put His word in your heart, in your mouth and in your actions and fight the devil Fight the devil his temptation is pleasures of this world, to make you against God Every crime is the delight of our hearts because we often let the devil take control of our heart Let's us give our lives to Jesus sits at his feet and take cover in Him we'll see the miracles happen in life For in him we are safe and in Him there will always be a joy even if we are in a temptation Don't proud of the wealth that you have because all you have is belongs to the Lord and that's all will come back to Him

My Jesus I Love Thee

I really love this song Every time I sing this song My love to Jesus in my heart will Overflow all over my body and soul My Jesus I Love Thee My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine; For Thee all the follies of sin I resign; My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou; If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me, And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree; I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow; If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath; And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow, If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. In mansions of glory and endless delight, I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright; I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow, If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

Thy majesty

Thy majesty More than the kings of the world Learn about Thee makes me amazed Make me realize that Thou are the great than the greater Lord Thou art the Amazing God there is no God like thee I Thank to thee for the life, for the great love Jesus Christ my Savior I love you Lord, with all my heart and soul I want to praise thou greatest For Thou art my Lord and no other than thee forever in the life time

Everything to me

If I write About Thy greatness Will never be enough words That I raised in praise Thy greatness, Almighty God I so adore thee in my heart I want to express my admiration More than anything thee for my life More than anything thee in all things More than anything thee within my limitations O Lord, my God! You are everything to me All my life I want to always be with thee O Father

I Want To See Thy Face

Lord Jesus I want to see Thee Thou often appears in my dreams But I never see Thy face I want to see Thy face that I always missed Take me with Thee because I've seen it all faint Let me always on Thy side and always looked Thy face Because I believe I am safe if I close to Thee I believe thy face is the face of love Maybe I just see your face in a faint But I believe that one day when Thou come I will see Thy face with no a faint again Thy love make me amaze Thy love make me strong Thy love make me brave Thou art everything in my life I give my heart, my life, my all to thee Because I know Thou art my comfort in my distress Thou are my Lord that I praise every night and day Thou will always there in my life because forever Thou art my Lord

The Lord Almighty, is the perfect Lord

When I feel disappointed I prayed and asked Him Why Thou let me be born like this Look! a lot of pain that I feel in my heart Injustice always be in my life Why me? why should happen in my life? Then He Said: There are no My creation is not perfect You were created by the Most Perfect, the Lord Almighty Then when I thought about it, something through  in my mind a statement I was born as Disabled to declares that the Lord Almighty, is the perfect Lord I may not be perfect but the Lord that I worship is perfect

Syair untukMu

Ya Yesus Syair ini Kutuliskan Karena Aku Ingin mengungkapkan Isi hatiku padaMu yang Selama ini selalu mengasihiku Aku mau memuji segala yang Telah Kau lakukan dalam hidupku Sungguh besar Engkau Tuhan yang kusembah Tak terbatas kuasaMu, tak ada yang seperti Engkau Bebahagialah orang yang selalu bersandar padaMu Berbahagialah mereka yang selalu menyerahkan kehidupannya dalam tanganMu Karena kuasaMu mengatasi langit dan bumi tunduk padaMu maka jadilah padaku semua yang Engkau kehendaki Segala yang telah terjadi dalam hidupku, mujizat dariMu dan kasih yang tak terbatas yang telah Engkau berikan padaku Membuatku ingin selalu memuji segala kebesaranMu di sepanjang hidupku ini Aku berbahagia karena karyaMu ajaib dalam hidupku ya Tuhanku Engkaulah yang akan selalu kusembah disepanjang sisa hidupku Mazmur 139:14 Aku bersyukur kepada-Mu oleh karena kejadianku dahsyat dan ajaib; ajaib apa yang Kaubuat, dan jiwaku benar-benar menyadarinya. 

I Was Weak

Lord I was weak I'm not as strong As that people see I often cry I'm not a great person If people say I'm great So great is not me If I always look cheerful It is not a artificial I look cheerful and great it all Because I have a Lord that greater than me Because I have a Lord who always cheer me up The Lord is always there in time of sadness struck this heart And always said I will always be here for you O my child Thou art always became my mother and father when I miss them Thou became everything to me for Thou art a Lord who will never leave me

Hatiku mengagumi KebesaranMu

Saat gundah hatiku Saat hatiku disakiti Saat seseorang mengasariku Saat aku merasa kesepian Saat aku ingin menangis Aku menangis dihadapanMu Engkau menjadi senyumku FirmanMu menjadi kekuatanku Hatiku mengagumi KebesaranMu Aku tahu aku tak pernah sendirian Sekalipun tak ada yang mencintai didunia ini, aku percaya Engkau ada dan lebih mencintaiku Tuhan Engkaulah harapan di sepanjang hidupku When depressed heart When my heart hurt When someone is rude to me When I feel lonely When I want to cry I cry in your presence You became my smile Your Word is been my stronghold My heart, admire the greatness of Thy I knew I was never alone Though nobody loves me in this world, I believe the more Thou love me Thou art Lord hope in in my whole life

People With Disabilities Are Also Have Heart

Do you honor us the Disabled We also have a heart Our hearts are not as strong as your heart Our hearts are fragile and easily hurt You call yourself our family You call yourself our friend But you have the heart to do injustice to us You have the heart to be harsh and distinguishes us Is that the nature of the family? Is that the nature of a friend?

A Poem For The Father's

In my life I have 3 Dad Jesus Christ, Eddy Antou,and Danny Lawrence... People may said my dad is a bad dad, but I know in his heart he really loves me so much.... He may not be with me now but I have another dad and he love me so much.... But I know I always have my Father in heaven, He is a special Father because He will always be with me and never leave me..... People may say I don't have a good Dad but they are not realize that I have Jesus as my good Father and I'm happy to have Him in my life. I don't care what anyone says about me and my dad the only one thing I know that the Lord give me a good Dad even though he is not the good person... There is one thing I know that if there is not my dad  I will not to be born in this world, that's why I believe that the Lord always love me because He gave me a good parent in this world....

Saat Tuhan Menciptakanmu

Saat Tuhan Menciptakanmu Dia telah merancang Rencana yang indah Mungkin Dia menciptakanmu Hanya untuk menjadi milikNya Itupun baik untuk kehidupanmu Jika Dia memberikan seseorang Dalam kehidupanmu maka berbahagialah karena Tuhan Karena kita tak pernah tahu apa rencanaNya untuk kehidupan kita

Psalms 1

Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law does he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

I Believe

When my way was dark I believe that thou art before me Thou became the light shining before me When as though there was no hope for me Miracle after miracle Thou have revealed to me Thou are always there when all looks impossible to me And all the impossible has become possible for me in Thee I believe Thou will always be there for me for the rest of my life

Psalms 150

Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Choose the Lord in your life

Lord, I have seen now that Many women who claimed faithful to you, Who always said I love Jesus more than anything Leaving thee when they find someone who loved And more troubling trend they leave Thee for the sake of riches And more girl they leave Thee for the sake of worldly pleasures And I have noticed if someone leaves Thee her life will not be entirely happy O women is better for you to have a love of God than someone who will make you away from Him O women is better for you to have a little treasure in this world than you lost your heavenly treasure O women is better for you to have a little fun in this world than you lost pleasure in the heavenly kingdom Choose the Lord in your life then happiness will always be in your heart whatever the circumstances of your life


Hari yang indah Hari Tuhan yang disucikanNya Sabat adalah hari kesukaan bagi umat-Nya Aku bersuka karena hari yang Tuhan berkati ini Dia memberkati hari Sabat di saat menciptakan dunia Sabat adalah hari kesukaan hari dimana kita bertemu denganNya Hari yang indah hari yang mulia hari yang dijadikanNya untuk mengingat kasihNya Bergembiralah pada hari kesukaan bagi Tuhan yang mulia ini Karena hari Sabat adalah hari yang penuh berkat hari yang penuh sukacita

1 Corinthians 13

 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but I do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I can remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away everything I own, and if I give over my body in order to boast, but do not have love, I receive no benefit. Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious. Love does not brag, it is not puffed up. It is not rude, it is not self-serving, it is not easily angered or resentful. It is not glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. But if there are prophecies, they will be set aside; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be set aside. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when what is perfect comes, the partial will be set aside. When I was a child, ...

Let's be the light of God

O the people of God Let's be the light of God Let's shine in the darkness of the world Proclaim it to the world that His coming Would not be much longer Come closer to the Lord you who are less faithful For the time is almost here So that when He came He found you Worthy of entrance into the Heavenly kingdom Be ready to welcome the coming of our Lord Jesus For He is coming from His heavenly kingdom to pick us His people


F or over 100 years, Seventh-day Adventists have anticipated Sunday legislation in fulfillment of end-time prophecy. In 1888, a Sunday law movement arose in America, but it died. The time was not yet. Today, many among us doubt whether such a prediction will ever occur. Haven’t times changed? Yes, they have, but God’s “sure word of prophecy” (King James Version, 2 Peter 1:19) hasn’t. We must open our eyes, for a Sunday law movement has again resurfaced—led by Pope Francis—and daily grows in strength. By the time you read this, Pope Francis has already arrived in America for speeches in Washington D.C., New York, and Philadelphia. As you are about to see, this Pope is pushing Sunday, and he isn’t alone. This article is designed to be a valuable resource for Adventists. With divine insight, Ellen White wrote in “The Great Controversy” that eventually:     … as the question of enforcing Sunday observance is widely agitated, [and] the event so long doubted and disbelieved ...

I'm Just A Person Who Really Loves Writing

I'm not a smart I'm not a great I'm not a pretty woman I was not a highly educated I'm not a holy person I'm just a woman with cerebral palsy I'm just a person who really loves writing I may be nothing than the others writers But I know, I have a mighty God, The amazing God, the awesome God By writing I wanted to serve my Lord! By writing I want to witness the love of God with writing I want to tell God's marvelous deeds I just want to praise The Lord with my writings Many people said I was blessed with this talent and I  want to praise the Lord for His blessing on me with this talent

Apakah Kau Sudah Bersedia?

Ular tua Sudah hampir Pada batas kejahatannya Nabi-nabi palsunya telah muncul Bintang yang terluka telah sembuh Dan binatang kedua telah bangkit untuk Melakukan nubuatan terakhir sebelum Kedatangan Yesus yang tak akan lama lagi Umat Tuhan apakah kau sudah bersedia? Dimanakah umatMu saat ini Ya Tuhan? Apakah mereka masih senang dengan dunia ini? Apakah kita semua telah siap sedia membela iman kita? Hari yang mengerikan itu akan segera tiba. Hari dimana kita akan membuktikan iman kita kepada Tuhan. Barulah kita akan segera diangkat ke dalam kerajaanNya yang Mulia.

Be ready

Be ready for The time is almost here Be ready for End of the world was nearly Be ready Because we will soon to see The Lord of all Even meet face to face with the King of Kings "Oh how I longing for that time, a moment where I would meet my Lord" Just be ready for the second coming of the Son of God Jesus Christ be ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ have been very near Believe in Him and do all his commandments then you will be saved  And you will be entered to the kingdom of the Lord to live forever with Him

I choose Thee

I choose Thee more than anyone else I'm willing to lose everything I love And I admire as long as I'm with thee Lord, Thou Art the only one that I want Thou Art is very meaningful in my life I know many people who will sneer at me and said: I'm fulsome, I do not slang, I'm different, and so forth because I would rather have become a child of yours Because Thy word is in my heart and Thy promise, O Lord! real for me

The Love That I Will Never Had

You're too high for me to reach Too beautiful to be my dream But the love for you remains in my heart A love is never lost from this heart even Years passed and many people give me love come and go But the love for you never lost. Yes my love is just for you But that love, the love that I will never had. But Something that you should know I'm happy to have you in my heart

You are the hope of my life

If I could choose, I would not born this way But I know Thou created me There is a wonderful plan for me He touched my heart with Thy love Even though I can't know my future But I know Thou will always be with me Maybe I ever doubted Him But He always called me His child I often Wondered Why Lord? Why did you choose me to be yours? Why did you choose me to serve Thee? Who am I? I'm only human, full of sin. I'm a worthless That's me in the eyes of all people But you make me precious to Thee. You are the hope of my life, My Lord! Thou art Lord who will always hold my hand And Thou art who will always lead me in the way of your truth Stay with me, my Lord, for you are my hope and my life assurance

For the future lover

God gave me to love you Not to desire a wealth from you I love you just the way you are I will be with you in any circumstances Because you also accept me as I am May God bless you with His love in abundantly May God give you His abundantly blessings Because I believe the love of the Lord more than my love for you

Engkau Yang Menciptakan Aku 

Tuhan Yesus Semua harapanku Seluruh hidupku Semua mimpiku Semua yang aku dambakan Aku tahu semua itu telah Engkau sediakan pada waktuMu Semua yang aku ingini mungkin Bukanlah yang terbaik untukku Tapi aku percaya rencana-Mu Lebih baik dari pada keinginan hatiku Engkau yang menciptakan aku Engkau juga yang mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hidupku Jadilah kehendakMu Ya Tuhan dalam setiap keadaan di hidupku Hebrews 11:40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. Lord Jesus all my hopes my whole life all my dreams All what I longed I know all that has been You provide on your time All that I desire might Not the best for me But I believe Your plan Is better than the desires of my heart You who created me You also know what is best for my life Be Thy will O Lord in all circumstances in my life


CINTA, telah ada Sejak manusia diciptakan CINTA, adalah hal terindah Yang Tuhan berikan kepada manusia CINTA, Tuhanlah yang menciptakannya Kejadian 2:18, 20-23 TUHAN Allah berfirman: "Tidak baik, kalau manusia itu seorang diri saja. Aku akan menjadikan penolong baginya, yang sepadan dengan dia." Manusia itu memberi nama kepada segala ternak, kepada burung-burung di udara dan kepada segala binatang hutan, tetapi baginya sendiri ia tidak menjumpai penolong yang sepadan dengan dia. Lalu TUHAN Allah membuat manusia itu tidur nyenyak; ketika ia tidur, TUHAN Allah mengambil salah satu rusuk dari padanya, lalu menutup tempat itu dengan daging. Dan dari rusuk yang diambil TUHAN Allah dari manusia itu, dibangun-Nyalah seorang perempuan, lalu dibawa-Nya kepada manusia itu. Lalu berkatalah manusia itu: "Inilah dia, tulang dari tulangku dan daging dari dagingku. Ia akan dinamai perempuan, sebab ia diambil dari laki-laki." Jadi jika kau menginginkan CINTA dalam hi...

Tuhan Engkau Sungguh Luar Biasa

Tuhan Engkau sungguh Luar biasa Tiada yang seperti Engkau Mengasihiku sepenuh hati. Untuk apa aku merasa kurang Jika aku memilikiMu yang memiliki seluruh bumi Untuk apa aku merasa takut jika didalam hidupku Engkau selalu bersamaku dan menjagaku setiap saat Aku tidak takut akan apa yang akan terjadi dimasa depanku Karena aku tahu Engkau yang ada di balik langit biru itu selalu Memelihara dan menolongku sepanjang sisa hidupku

No One Will Stop Me To Serve Thee

My Lord I want to keep serving thee. Even those closest prevent me To serve thee I will not backwards. I want to continue to serve Thee Until Thy come to pick me up. Thou are the fixed price for me all my life. Anything that hinders me to serve Thee I will never backwards. to serve Thee, O Lord. Whatever I face I will never backwards to serve Thee. No one will stop me to serve Thee. For Thy are the the Lord who is strong, who always loves me. Thou are the Lord who will never leave me alone. Thou Lord who will always hold my hand and you will preserve my life. I was never afraid of myself because I know I have the Lord who will always be there for me. Tuhan Aku ingin Tetap melayani-Mu. Sekalipun orang yang Terdekat menghalangi Aku untuk melayani-Mu Aku tidak akan mundur. Aku ingin tetap melayani-Mu Sampai Engkau datang menjemputku. Engkau adalah harga mati bagiku sepanjang hidupku. Apapun yang menghalangi aku untuk melayani-Mu Aku tidak akan pernah mundur. ...

Great light

Miracles have happened in all my life He said to me through my dreams Great light was always overshadowed me If I understand what He wants for my life Great light that led me to understand His will that The Great light will never leave me To me, a great Light is the best friend Great light that is Redeemer and Savior of my life Endless love will be given to anyone who surrender to Him a whole life

Once Again

O Lord Once again I have seen Thy works of In this life. in my life I have Feeling the work of Thy great incredible. Once again I feel that you love me More than that I never imagined before. If I quit serving Thee What is the meaning my happiness? If I was not be with Thee What is the meaning of my life? I'd better live with Thee, O Lord! instead of living in an increasingly wicked world. Ya Tuhan Sekali lagi Aku telah melihat Pekerjaan-pekerjaan-Mu Didalam hidup ini. dalam hidupku ini aku telah Merasakan karya-Mu yang luar biasa hebat. Sekali lagi aku merasa bahwa Engkau mengasihiku Lebih dari yang tak pernah kubayangkan sebelumnya Jika aku berhenti melayani-Mu apalah arti kebahagiaanku? Jika aku tak bersama-Mu apalah arti hidupku? Lebih baik aku hidup bersama-Mu, ya Tuhan! daripada hidup di dunia yang semakin jahat ini.


God created love so that we know the meaning of love. How we appreciate the love. How will you love someone without limit. because He loves people with His love is infinite. Love is about you, you feel for someone and who you accept in spirit.


Mungkin Tuhan menciptakan Aku dengan keterbatasan Mungkin Tuhan akan lebih Mencintai aku dalam keterbatasanku Aku memang terbatas dalam segalanya Tapi aku percaya Tuhan selalu ada untukku Mungkin jika aku terlahir sempurna aku Akan hidup dalam dosa dan takkan melayani Dia Dalam keterbatasan aku pernah berdosa Tapi Dia mengangkat aku dengan kasihNya Di dalam Dia jiwaku sembuh walaupun tubuhku tidak Karena aku percaya Yesus adalah sahabat terbaik yang aku miliki Maybe God created me with limitations Maybe God will be more loved Me in my limitations I was limited in everything But I believe God is always there for me Maybe if I was born perfect I Will be living in sin, And would not serving him Within the limitations I've sinned But He raised me with His love In Him my soul healed, although my body was not Because I believe Jesus is the best friend I have ever had

Berdiam dikakiNya

Kuberdiam dikakiNya Kuserahkan hidupku dalam tanganNya Aku bukanlah apa-apa tanpa berkat dariNya Dia selalu bersamaku sampai saat ini Dia ada disepanjang hidupku melindungi aku Dia ada dibalik langit biru itu melihatku dari sana Dia turun dari langit itu untuk memelukku saat htiku gunda Saat aku bersedih dan menangis Dia membisikkan kata-kata Yang indah untuk menghibur hatiku dan menghapus air mataku Dia ada di setiap hari-hariku, Dia selalu menjadi sahabatku yang setia.

Smart people and stupid people

There are people that looks Very clever and wise but the truth He is a fool But there are people look stupid But has a heart of wisdom Unfortunately, one can not distinguish In which smart people and which fools Wise and the wishy washy. Humans see someone just from the outside But the truth is that in heaven he saw someone from the heart

Aku Percaya

Mungkin aku Tak tahu akan Apa yang akan terjadi Dalam masa depanku Tapi Tuhan aku percaya RencanaMu indah bagiku Mungkin apa yang Engkau Rencanakan lebih indah dari Yang aku rencanakan untuk hidupku Mungkin aku semua terlihat gelap jalan hidupku Tapi Tuhan, Engkau adalah terang yang menuntunku Dari hari kelahiranku sampai saat aku dewasa mujizatMu nyata Bagiku Engkaulah Bapa dan Sahabat yang selalu setia dalam hidupku Karena itu aku mau setia pada-Mu sampai saat Engkau datang menjemput aku

For You Are My Hope

Lord Jesus I love you I was so in love in Everything that has happened in Everything Thou done In my lifetime is so amazing Thou art the song that I sing Thou art the beautiful poem Thou art the poems that I wrote with heart Every word that I wrote was to praise Thee Every breath that I breathe is a gift of the Father in heaven I want to always be close to your presence by your side I so admire every work of thy hands in my life Thank you for the love that is always there throughout my life Thank you that you are always with me at all times Stay with me all my life for you are my hope

Jadilah Kehendak-Mu

Jadilah kehendak-Mu Ya Tuhanku atas hidupku Jadilah seperti yang Engkau Kehendaki dalam sisa hidupku Aku tak ingin melawan kehendakMu Karena aku percaya kehenda-Mu Adalah yang terbaik dalam hidupku Aku percaya cinta yang Engkau berikan Aku percaya mukjizat yang kurasakan adalah dari-Mu Aku percaya segala yang Engkau ijinkan terjadi dalam hidupku Untuk mengajari aku agar selalu bergantung hanya kepada-Mu Untuk mengajari aku agar aku lebih mendengar segala perintah-Mu Untuk mengajari aku lebih hari lebih dekat denganMu saja setiap hari Terima kasih atas semua yang Engkau berikan bagiku sepanjang hidupku Jadilah kehendak-Mu, disepanjang hidupku. aku percaya sepenuhnya padaMu!

Yesus Aku Cinta

This is my favorite song The first time I heard this song Something happened in my heart Ya, I love Jesus and I will say that The more I heard this song I will more and more love Jesus FirmanMu ya dan amin JanjiMu menopangku Berjalan bersamaMu Disetiap musim hidupku Reff : Yesus aku cinta padaMu Yesus tetaplah bersamaku Tiada yang dapat menggantikanMu Engkaulah jaminan hidupku

Mati dalam Tuhan

Seseorang berkata Biarpun aku tidak setia Tapi aku ingin mati dalam Tuhan Bagaimana bisa kau berkata begitu Sedang kau tak pernah mengasihi-Nya Bagaimana kau akan mati dalam Tuhan Jika kau tak pernah setia pada-Nya? Apa kau harus menunggu sampai kau Hampir di ambang kematian baru kau setia? Kita takkan pernah tahu kapan kematian akan menjemput kita. Kau tak akan pernah tahu kapan Tuhan akan mengijinkan kau Beristirahat dalam tidur yang panjang itu sambil menunggu hidup Yang abadi yang Ia janjikan pada umatNya yang sangat dicintaiNya. Kapan kau akan menyadari bahwa Dia menunggumu kembali pada-Nya Saat ini juga dengan sabar Ia sedang menunggumu kembali pada-Nya Izinkanlah Dia menyentuh hatimu dan membersihkannya dari segala dosamu. Izinkanlah Dia masuk kedalam hatimu dan biarlah Dia merubah hatimu dengan kasihNya.

Aku berbeda

Aku berbeda Ya, aku berbeda Aku diciptakan Tuhan Memang berbeda darimu Aku berbeda dalam segala hal Tapi aku memiliki TuhanYang ajaib Dan Dia juga Tuhan yang sangat baik Dia menciptakan aku dengan cintaNya Dia akan selalu ada untukku setiap saat. Aku tidak malu karena aku terlahir berbeda Karena aku tahu Tuhan memang menciptakan berbeda Dalam keterbatasanku aku percaya ada rencana yang indah

At the Cross

This is an Amzing song I really love this song and I want to share the lyric with you The words is really touch my heart Every single words is really mean Oh Lord You've searched me You know my way Even when I fail You I know You love me Your holy presence Surrounding me In every season I know You love me I know You love me Chorus At the cross I bow my knee Where Your blood was shed for me There's no greater love than this You have overcome the grave Your glory fills the highest place What can separate me now You go before me You shield my way Your hand upholds me I know You love me Chorus2 You tore the veil You made a way When You said that it is done And when the earth fades Falls from my eyes And You stand before me I know You love me I know You love me

I love the Lord Jesus Christ

When people looking at me There is a strange look in their eyes there's no love in their eyes eyes There is a laugh when he sees me But I know, there is beautiful eyes The loving gaze no strange sight Gaze that always made me fall in love with Him Yes, it is the eyes of our Lord Jesus Christ You must ask: How can I see his eyes? I saw Him through the Bible, I see Him with my faith, I see him in my dreams and feel his love in my heart. That's why I praise his greatness That's why I glorify His Name I love the Lord Jesus Christ More than anything my love for Him He was never leave me, not at all I so admire Jesus and I so love Him He everything to me I would not replace He with another

Begitu Mengagumkan Tuhan Yang Kusembah

Begitu mengagumkan Tuhan yang kusembah Engkau tak bisa membayangkan Apa yang kualami bersama-Nya Begitu banyak mujizat yang telah Terjadi di sepanjang hidupku ini Banyak air mata banyak kepahitan Banyak yang tak bisa kubayangkan Terjadi dan tak pernah terlintas dalam pikiranku Tuhan tak pernah meninggalkan aku sendiri Dia menjadi sahabat dan Bapa bagiku Dia tempat aku mengungkapkan segala kesedihan Segala terjadi dalam hidup ini adalah baik bagiku Sungguh amat baik segala yang terjadi dalam hidupku Sekaran yang ku inginkan hanyala melihat wajahNya Ke surga dan tinggal di dalam naungan kasih Tuhanku

How could I not love Thee

All that happened in my life Made me realize how great Thy love to me How could I not love Thee when I have seen Thy love How could I not love Thee if you have first loved me How could I not adore Thee if I already feel thy miracles in my life How could I not adore Thee if I knew I was born into this world is Thy plan How could I not praise Thy name when I saw the deed of thy hands is amazing How could I not adore Thee if I knew even though I was born differently but  Thy love never differentiate me from the other Thy Love more than anything I had felt in my life, even deeper than that could I understand I wish now I could meet with the Lord Jesus so that I could look upon His face that I always longed for I wish now I could meet with the Lord Jesus to thank Thee for being the best friend and Savior in my life

Aku lahir ke dunia ini adalah rencana-Mu

Semua yang Kau buat dalam Hidupku adalah baik Harapan ku gantungkan Pada tangan kasihMu itu Engkau yang menciptakan Engkau yang membentuk aku Dalam rahim ibuku Engkau yang mempertahankan aku Sehingga aku boleh terlahir di dunia ini Aku lahir ke dunia ini adalah rencana-Mu Walaupun aku terlahir berbeda tap kasih-Mu Tak pernah membedakan aku dari yang lainya Jika kehendak manusia yang terjadi mukinkah Aku ada dan melayaniMu seperti sekarang ini Kali ini Tuhan tunjkanlah rencanaMu untukku Karena aku percaya ada rencanaMu dalam hidupku Aku percaya ada rencana yang indah di balik kelahiranku Engkau yang memiliki aku, Engkau tahu yang terbaik untukku

God's will

When he smiled at me When he comes to call me When He gave His promise When the light was given to me I had asked the Lord Do I deserve All that he has showed in my dreams? Without realizing He gave me the answer through All that has happened in my life that is so wonderful All that I have felt in my life that is not perfect All the bitter, all the sweet, all to show That He is always there for me with His love were so perfect Everything happened because I was his child, I have belongs to Him Be His will in all my life always for all eternity, and I know for sure his will was beautiful in my life

Jadilah seperti Yesus

Percuma kita berdoa Memohon ampun pada-Nya Jika dalam hati kita belum mengampuni Doa yang diajar Yesus mengatakan ampunilah kami Seperti kami juga mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kami Jangan pernah ucapkan doa ini jika kau belum bisa mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepadamu Percuma kita melayani jika kita belum mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kita Percuma kita berdoa setiap hari jika kita belum mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kita. Jadilah seperti yang sering kau ucapkan dalam doa Bapa kami yang diajarkan Yesus pada kita Jadilah seperti Yesus yang mengajari kita untuk mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kita Agar kita pantas menjadi anak-anak Tuhan dan layak mendapat pengampunan dariNya Matius 6:12 dan ampunilah kami akan kesalahan kami, seperti kami juga mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kami;


Kau memang Terlihat berbeda Kadang kau menjadi Bukan dirimu sendiri Kau terlihat asing dan Kau seolah tak pernah Mendapatkan apa yang Kau inginkan, padahal Kau memiliki segalanya Tapi kau tak pernah bahagia Senyum di wajahmu hilang Dalam kehampaan kau tinggal Dalam kesendirian kau hidup Seolah hanya dirimu yang hidup Di dunia ini tanpa teman tanpa cinta Tanpa harapan tanpa impian dalam dirimu Percaya pada kekuatan dirimu sendiri bukan pada-Nya Padahal jika kau hidup dengan-Nya hidupmu akan indah BersamaNya tak akan ada lagi kehampaan dalam dirimu Bersama denganNya kau akan merasakan kasih yang tak terbatas Hidupmu yang tak berarti akan menjadi lebih berharga bersamaNya Rasa kesepian tak akan melandamu jika kau percaya sepenuhnya pada-Nya Dia ada disampingmu walau kau tak pernah melihatNya, Dia selalu ada untukmu Tuhan tak akan pernah meninggalkanmu seorang diri karena bagiNya engkau sangatlah berarti

My Mother

Let me tell you a story about my mom She is a great women that I ever know I know all child will say the same But my mom is different. why? Because my mom is God's women. Why I say my mom is God's women? Because she always taught about living by Thy words and prayer. She taught me to forgive all who do evil to us She taught all the things that God wants me to do She taught me that there is no love more beautiful than the love of the Lord Jesus And she taught me to love Jesus and not love sin of this world I love my mother, She was filled with wisdom mind of heaven so that I could be like my mother became a faithful servant of God

Salib Yesus

Salib Yesus Mengajari aku Untuk mengasihi Salib Yesus mengajari aku Untuk mengampuni semua orang Ya, mengampuni semua kesalahan mereka Ia mengajari aku bahwa jika aku mau Mengampuni maka akan ada damai Tahukah kamu, mengampuni itu indah Salib Yesus mengajari aku betapa Indah kasih Bapa pada semua anakNya. Kasih yang sangat besar telah kulihat disalib Yesus. Kasih yang tiada duanya telah Dia berikan untuk dunia ini. Betapa aku rindu bertemu dengan Tuhan yang sangat mengasihi aku. Keajaiban salib Yesus yang dapat merubah hati yang penuh dosa Menjadi hati yang lembut penuh kasih dan mau mengampuni setiap Orang yang bersalah padanya, karena untuk itulah Yesus di salibkan

Doa Mengubah Segala Sesuatu

Saat keadaan sekelilingku,ada di luar kemampuanku,ku berdiam diri mencari-Mu, doa mengubah segala sesuatu. Saat kenyataan di depanku,mengecewakan perasaanku,ku menutup mata memandang-Mu,sebab doa mengubah segala sesuatu. Doa orang benar bila didoakan,dengan yakin, besar kuasanya, dan tiap doa yang lahir dari iman, berkuasa menyelamatkan. Seperti mata air di tangan-Mu,mengalir ke manapun Kau mau,tiada yang mustahil di mata-Mu, doa mengubah segala sesuatu.

Here am I; send me.

Are all those who touched his heart by God will say: Here am I; send me. You don't have to be perfect to be sent by Jesus You also don't have to be a handicap then you want to be sent by God All those who serve him are very fond of this verse Of all people, I am too once said in my prayer: Here am I; send me. It is a joy and pride when we become a missionary of the Lord Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Seseorang Yang Selalu Dihati

Cinta Menghampiriku Dia tak pernah hilang Walaupun hanya sesaat Kau tak pernah kutemui Hanya dalam mimpi aku Boleh mencintaimu Tapi mengapa kau tak bisa Tergantikan dengan yang lain? Mengapa kau tak bisa kuhapus dari hatiku? Seperti seorang tolol yang menunggu Sesuatu yang dia impikan namun tak bisa dia dapat. Seperti itulah aku mencintaimu selama ini. Untukku kau adalah yang terindah dari semua yang kutemui. Kau adalah duniaku selama aku mengenal apa itu cinta. Untukku, cinta adalah dirimu dan hanya pada dirimu aku bisa merasakan cinta. Siapakah dirimu sehingga menyentuh hatiku dengan cinta?

Di Salib

Jikalau kau membaca ayat ini, Apa yang ada di dalam hatimu? Mengerikan jikalau kau tak merasakan apapun Yesus di cambuk,disiksa,dan disalibkan karena dosa kita Di salib ada kasih yang tak terbatas Di salib cinta Tuhan untuk manusia yang berdosa dinyatakan dalam Yesus Masihkah kau menolak Dia? Berapa lamakah lagi waktumu? Dia menunggumu untuk mengatakan bahwa Dia mengasihim. Datanglah ke kaki salibNya tinggal kan dunia yang jahat ini dan hiduplah dalam kasihNya. Yesaya 53:5 Tetapi dia tertikam oleh karena pemberontakan kita, dia diremukkan oleh karena kejahatan kita; ganjaran yang mendatangkan keselamatan bagi kita ditimpakan kepadanya, dan oleh bilur-bilurnya kita menjadi sembuh. posted from Bloggeroid


Tuhan Yesus Berapa lamakah lagi Aku harus menunggu Kedatangan yang Kau Janjikan pada umatMu? Berapa lama lagi aku Harus tinggal di dunia Yang semakin jahat ini? Tapi Tuhan Yesus Engkaulah Yang selalu aku nantikan selamanya Dengan puisi aku ingin menunjukan Engkau ada dan janjiMu itu pasti terjadi Melalui kasih yang dalam keterbatasanku Pujian kuberikan lewat Puisi yang telah tercipta. Dengan puisi aku ingin mengabarkan kedatanganMu..

Yang Kutulis Itu Bukan dariku

Tuhan Aku ingin Bertemu dengan-Mu Aku hanya ingin Kau Memeluk aku dengan kasihMu Apakah alasan untuk memeg ahkan diri? Bukankah semua yang kutulis itu bukanlah datang dariku? Engkau meberikan aku hikmat sehingga aku boleh menyatakan kasihMu? Aku hanya seorang manusia yang tak berdaya yang selalu membutuhkan Engkau Bersamalah denganku di sepanjang hidupku dan tunjukkanlah kepada dunia kuasaMu dalam hidupku posted from Bloggeroid

Saat Seseorang Mencintaimu

Saat seseorang Mengatakan dia Menginginkanmu Katakanlah: jikalau Kamu menginginkan aku Berdoalah, mintalah aku pada Tuhan. Jangan hanya dia yang berdoa kau juga harus bertanya pada-Nya Apakah dia yang Tuhan pilih untuk hidupmu? Serahkanlah segala sesuatu pada Tuhan maka kau tak akan kecewa. posted from Bloggeroid

Selamanya Hanya Engkau

Aku memujiMu Karena kebaikan Yang telah ku terima Dari-Mu sepanjang hidupku Aku menyembahMu karena Kebaikan Engkau adalah Allah yang maha besar Maha Mulia itulah nama-Mu ya Tuhanku Kuasa kasih yang telah kuterima dariMu sangatlah besar Dari dalam kandungan ibuku Kau telah memberkatiku Engkau adalah Allah yang sangat ku agungkan sepanjang hidupku Biarlah aku selamanya bersama denganMu memuji dan melayaniMu posted from Bloggeroid


Tadinya udah takut gak bisa nulis lagi di blog Untung aplikasi blogger banyak. Jadi bisa nulis lagi deh... Laptopku lagi nggak bisa connect internet jadi aku nulisnya pake hp&tab deh.... Hmmm tadinya bloggernya nggak bisa install di hp tapi ternyata banyak aplikasi blogger yang lain...Puji Tuhan.. posted from Bloggeroid

Jika Kau Ijinkan

Jika Engkau ijinkan Aku hidup selama ini Aku tahu bahwa rencana-Mu Pastilah indah untuk hidupku Walaupun sesuatu yaing buruk Kau ijinkan terjadi dalam hidupku Aku tahu bahwa itulah yang terbaik Untuk hidup ini dan aku bersyukur Karena aku memiliki Bapa seperti Engkau Sekalipun aku ragu Kau akan memegang tanganku Dan berkata percayalah pada janjiKu karena itu pasti Sekalipun terlihat musthil tapi aku tetap percaya janjiiMu pasti Kau tepati Kau akan selalu ada untukku sepanjang hidupku posted from Bloggeroid

BeTheSDA Penca Ministry

This is my second family .... The family that God has given to me A family in God... When the Sabbath came, a sense of joy will always be felt in the heart Because I would go into the house of the Lord and serve Him together with God's family. Here, I feel the love of God through them, Here, I could feel how the joy of serving the Lord Jesus Here, I see the works of God revealed in me and the friends who Disabled. We do not call volunteers to families who want to work together to push our wheelchair and carrying us who was paralyzed, who leads the blind and lame. For us they are a family and they are referred to as the families of the Disabled. Their affection was like our own family. Not only our relationship with the family of Disabled, We also a fellow of Disabled has been like a family. I thank God that I may be part of a big family BeTheSDA Penca Ministry. Hopefully BeTheSDA Penca Ministry always shine the light of...