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Showing posts from 2017

Thank you for your neverending love for us

He came to this world Only to die to redeem Man from the evil one He was born into this world because of His Love To those who have fallen into sin The Son of God willingly left the glory of heaven He left his highest position as the ruler of heaven He decides to go down to this despicable world And he was born in the cage because there is no place for him When He is in this world a lot of miracles are felt by many people Even when He rose from His death and ascended into heaven His miracles still existed Father, thank you for Jesus Christ whom You have given to this world Jesus, thank you for your neverending love for us Dia datang ke dunia ini Hanya untuk mati menebus Manusia dari si jahat Dia lahir ke dunia ini karena Kasih-Nya Kepada manusia yang telah jatuh ke dalam dosa Anak Allah yang rela meninggalkan kemuliaan surga Dia meninggalkan kedudukan tertinggi-Nya sebagai penguasa surga Dia putuskan turun ke dunia yang hina ini Dan Dia lahir di kandang karena tak ada temp...

The Holy Spirit

If He touches your heart, don't harden your heart If He speaks in your heart, listen to what He says He has the power to change a hard heart He is capable of turning an evil heart into a good heart He is the comforter that the Savior has given to us Perhaps His words will pierce your heart, But that is the best advice from Him He is holy, He is glorious, He is the gift of Christ

God is Awesome

God is awesome When I'm in the weakness God is awesome in my sick time God is awesome when I think I couldn't face my life circumstances God is awesome when I don't know What will happen to my life In all that happened in my life I will always Proclaim that my God is Awesome to me


Mama adalah Malaikat bagiku Mama tak pernah Mengeluh sekalipun Mama lelah dia tetap tersenyum Mama selalu berjuang untukku Mama  lebih dari seorang ibu bagiku Mama sahabat yang selalu mendukung Apapun yang menurutnya baik untukku Mama seseorang yang mencintaiku lebih dari segalanya Aku tak henti-hentinya bersyukur kepada Yang Mahakuasa Karena telah memberikan Mama yang sangat baik dalam hidupku 


If love is everything It mean God is everything Because God is love If you want ever lasting love Just always believe in Jesus His love will not never ever end Love of his love is so pure and true He is the only one who can love us With unconditionally love Even if he got hurt because of our sins He will still love us and forgive us for So blessed to be his peoples I know that because he already showed me that love

I Must Feel

Father Often I do not understand What is Thou plan in my life Since my birth I have known Thee But after I got to know the pleasures of the world I prefer the pleasures of the world than Thee And .... I must feel crushed Only then did I realize How good Thou are I have to feel helpless Only then did I realize that How strong and mighty Thou are I must feel pain in my heart Only then did I feel Thine hurt heart because of human sin My Lord, I am Thine Be Thy will in my life My Lord, I want to live for Thee and die in Thy hand

I don't want to be a dreamer again

Dream I won't you come anymore I won't dream about something anymore I don't want to be a dreamer again Dream just always fool me every time you come But sometimes I feel God come into my dream But sometimes dreams just fools me about something How can I know it come from God or you just fools me about something? Only heaven knows that.

Just Know Him

God may create you differently But sometimes you need to understand Why He makes you different from the other Why He makes you different in the limitations Why you have to be someone with disabilities Why God let you fight for your circumstances Let Him live in your life and let His work be in you Let Him be your life and change you into new you Let Him change your heart with His heart But that does not mean your life will be easy You will be broken but that is where you will be glorified Just knowing Him and love Him with all heart And you will understand what his plans for your life

Into My Heart / Fairest Lord Jesus Selah Into my heart, into my heart Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Come in today, come in to stay Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature O thou of God and man the Son Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor Thou my soul's glory, joy and crown Fair is the sunshine, fairer still the moonlight And all the twinkling starry host Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer Than all the angels heaven can boast Beautiful Savior, Lord of all the nations Son of God and Son of man Glory and honor, praise, adoration Now and forever more be Thine Now and forever more be Thine

The cross

The cross Has become Beautiful story All the time The cross has Being a beautiful song All the time The cross has become Very beautiful poem What I've written on All my life The cross is decisive Our future On the cross there is infinite love On the cross there is an infinite blessing But I realize that sometimes I do not appreciate His sacrifice on the cross I feel too good with pleasure in this eternal world Too affronting His holy will to my life I do not want to live like that anymore, I want to live for Him who crucified for me


Is it me wrong if I am Hope you come back alive? I feel very lonely No one wants to hear My complaints when I'm sad No one gave me As much spirit as you do You may be an evil father But I realize that I love you I still need you very much in this life Too soon you leave me Too short my time with you in my life May we meet on His soon day


Indonesia itu indah Indonesia itu kaya Indonesia itu sebenarnya Damai jika saja, tidak ada provokator Indonesia itu satu tidak ada perbedaan antara Suku maupun agama Di Indonesia yang aku tau hanyalah Indonesia penuh damai dan kasih Jikalau ada yang mau merusak indahnya Indonesia, memporak-poranda Indonesia Agama melawan agama, suku satu melawan suku yang lain Mereka itu bukan orang-orang yang mencintai Indonesia, Mereka orang-orang yang tidak ingin melihat Indonesia bersatu Jangan seorangpun merasa dirinya layak untuk tinggal di Indonesia jika ingin merusak arti kemerdekaan Indonesia yang sesungguhnya

Birthday Gift From Heaven

It's not just a poem for my birthday  But in my birthday I understand that  My precious gift that I have ever had is Jesus Christ  God is the only precious gift for me in every my birthday  His love is enough for me to in this life like "Selah song" I got saved, I've got Jesus how could I want more Since I was born I already have have his love,  Since I was born He is already being my gift  He is more than anything that I have in this world  Maybe not a lot of gifts I get this time but I know He is more than a gift that I get from my family and friends  Because I know He can give me something than a birthday gift His life and his love for sacrifice at the cross to save my life And that suffering willingly makes me realize that it is the perfect gift for me 

I Am Truly Blessed

I am truly blessed.... Nulis itu gak harus punya buku yang banyak di terbitin.. Trus di beli banyak orang... Nulis itu adalah berkat Tuhan... Bagi aku orang mau baca tulisan yang aku tulis secara cuma-cuma gak apa-apa... Berarti aku membagikan berkat Tuhan secara cuma-cuma .... Karena aku mendapatkan talenta ini dari Tuhan secara cuma-cuma...  I am truly blessed  Writing does not have to have a lot of books in publish .. Then buy lots of people ... Writing it is God's blessing ... For me people want to read the writing that I write for free is okay ... That means I share God's blessings for free .... Because I get this talent from God for free ...

What Are You Looking For

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 NIV We are looking for a sincere love, We are looking for a happiness, We are looking for a good friend, We are looking for popularity We want to be more cool And we are busy amass wealth. What's all that for? That's all that we're looking for? Does all of that we are looking for? Does all of that make a joyful in heart? All of that make us forget about God. All of that make us forget about Heaven In fact, Heaven is our eternal wealth In fact, God is ready to give more than all we were looking for God knows our hearts and He knew what are you longing for As long as we want to seek Him with all our heart and soul As long as we want to love Him more than this world pleasure Don't get discouraged if you don't get what you're looking for For we are know that our life is only temporary in this world Nothing we can do to make our live...

I Don't Want To Be Sad Anymore

Sadness is always come in my heart Sadness is my friend every single day Unhappy face I always see every time Angry face is a sight that I see every day Fear always comes every time in my heart I hope I could disappear from this world I think I am the one who always be troublesome I hope I can be happy with everyone around me I don't want to be sad anymore and I don't want to be fear of someone I don't want to be someone who always makes everyone unhappy I just want to make my family and friends happy if they are with me I know I'm in the arms of God, therefore I always rejoice inside my heart

Jesus is all I need

When I'm feeling lonely When I feel like no friends Nobody wants to be my friend No true friend in this world I have Sometimes I feel they just want to be with me Because there is something that they wanting from me But I don't care about them anymore because I know I have Jesus and I don't need to be disappointed about them Like the song that I really love and I always hear from day to day Jesus is all I need I need no other friend I no other one only Jesus is all that I need. And now I realize that I don't need to be discouraged to serve Jesus I don't need to see people when I serve. I know I just need to turn my eyes upon Jesus and serve Him with all my heart. He can make the way when I feel like it's hard for me to do that when nobody wants to help me.

I still feel His presence

Today I'm not going to the church Just at home but I still feel His presence Since morning I play spiritual songs I read some spiritual books like Spirit of prophecy I try not to playing games and, I did it! Yaaay! That's why I tell you I still feel His presence. I did it! I tried to resist my fleshly desires, and I did it! All because His presence is there for me this Sabbath.

"I Got Saved" by Selah

There is a river of gladness That pours from Emmanuel's veins This sinner was plunged beneath the flood And got saved Since then I walk in forgiveness All of my guilt was erased The chains of the past Are broken at last I got saved Oh, I got saved I'm undone by the mercy of Jesus I'm undone by the goodness of the Lord I'm restored and made right He got a hold of my life I've got Jesus How could I want more I've received nothing but goodness I've tested and tasted Your grace I was so lost 'Til I fell at the cross And got saved Oh, I got saved I'm undone by the mercy of Jesus I'm undone by the goodness of the Lord I'm restored and made right He got a hold of my life I've got Jesus How could I want more The love of God Gave me His pardon The love of God Won't let me stay the same The love of God Pulls me up higher His will is stronger That's why I got saved I'm undone by the mercy of Jes...

Tuhan Tidak Ada Batas Agama

Ada postingan di facebook yang membuat saya terkesan Tulisannya bagus dan menarik untuk menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi kita semua Ini postingan dari Om saya dan saya sangat suka postingan ini. Mohon maaf, sy ingin sekali share kejadian yg dialami seseorang di Semarang.. Sungguh indah.. Suatu hari di Semarang setelah kebetulan ikut misa katholik harian pagi, seperti biasa aku duduk di depan gua Bunda Maria. Setelah selesai berdoa aku cuma duduk berdiam aja disitu. Tiba-tiba aku tertarik melihat seorang wanita setengah baya. Kalau tidak bisa dikatakan sudah sepuh. Berjalan tertatih, sudah agak membungkuk dengan kemoceng ditangan dan serbet seadanya di pundaknya. Sang wanita, datang menghampiri patung dan berkata. "Gusti Yesus.. Gusti Maria.. nyuwun sewu.. kulo bade resik-resik.. !!!" (Gusti Yesus.. Gusti Maria.. mohon maaf, permisi.. saya mau bersih-bersih..!!!") Aku tertegun dan secara tidak sadar tertarik dengan apa yang dilakukan si ibu. Dengan perlaha...

Tuhan Yesus Lebih Dari Segalanya

Aku mungkin ingin memiliki Kekasih yang baik dan tampan Aku mungkin memimpikannya Di setiap malam-malamku Tapi aku menyadari bahwa aku Lebih merindukan bersama dengan-Nya Aku lebih merindukan Yesus dari pria yang aku sukai Aku lebih ingin menulis puisi cinta untuk Yesus daripada untuk seseorang Ternyata Tuhan Yesus itu lebih dari segalanya untukku Aku tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi pada masa depanku Tapi aku tahu Dia akan selalu menjadi kerinduanku sepanjang masa

Kristus Yesus Pemilik Hidup Kita

Sebagai manusia Kita tidak pernah tahu Masa depan kita seperti apa Kita tak pernah bisa tahu kapan Tuhan akan memberikan perhatian kita Kita hanya bisa menjalani hidup ini dengan Penuh percaya pada Sang Pemilik hidup kita Dia yang menciptakan kita Dis juga yang memberikan kita hidup. Tanpa karyaNya dalam hidup kita, kita bukanlah apa-apa Jikalau hidup ini penuh dengan penderitaan pasti ada jalan kebahagiaan yang Dia sediakan untuk kita Percayalah pada Kristus Yesus dan cintailah Dia karena Kristus Yesuslah pemilik hidup kita As a human being We never know What our future is like We can never know when God will give us our attention We can only live this life with Full trust in the Owner of our life He who created us He also gives us life. Without His work in our lives, we are nothing If life is full of suffering there must be a path of happiness that He provides for us Believe in Christ Jesus and love Him because Christ Jesus is the owner of our life

Ampunilah Aku

Mungkin aku Tak memiliki telinga yang baik untuk mendengar suaraMu Hatiku terlalu keras untuk menerima semua nasihatMu Hidupku terlalu menyedihkan sehingga aku tak mau melihat diriMu Semua yang Engkau lakukan kuanggap tak ada artinya untuk hidupku Seperti mujizat yang terakhir Engkau lakukan, Pada saat menyambung telinga prajurit yang putus oleh karena pedang Petrus Sambungkanlah telingaku agar aku bertobat dan selalu mendengar suaraMu yang indah itu Berikanlah aku hati yang bersih agar aku bisa merasakan indahnya kasihMu padaku Ajar aku untuk selalu bersyukur agar aku dapat mengerti kehendak-Mu dalam hidup ini Selama bertahun tahun ya Tuhan Engkau telah memberikan banyak keajaiban yang tidak pernah bisa kubayangkan Engkau masih memberikan aku hidup saat aku harusnya mati, Engkau memberikan aku kesehatan saat aku sakit parah Waktu aku sendirian Engkaulah yang selalu melindungi aku. Walau aku selalu menyakiti hati suciMu Engkau tetap mengasihi aku dengan sepenuh hatiMu L...

Feeling Empty

Sometimes I feel like I have a family and friends But sometimes I think I'm not Sometimes I have feel empty I hope I never live in this world I hope I never have a chance to live my life I hope I could disappear from this world So no one will ever find me or see me cry I really feel alone for a long time and I think rather I die I don't know how much my life is meant for other people  I not sure what would be happened in my life in the future I'm not sure how long I will live like this  I hope God will continue to be my best friend and be with me for long time  I hope God always gives me more chances for me to be a better person  To love other people more and more like Jesus loves the world 

She is my mother

She is a loving woman She is a patient woman She is a strong woman Others woman took care of me roughly But if she takes care of me she will treat me with affection And I'm so glad to have her in my life She is my mother

Berserah kepada Tuhan / Surrender to God

Berserah kepada Tuhan Tak berarti kamu telah Aman dari segala tekanan Semakin engkau berserah Semakin banyak tekanan yang datang Semakin banyak tekanan batin yang ada Semakin dahsyat pertolongan yang tersedia Semakin banyak berserah semakin banyak cobaan yang datang Berserah kepada Tuhan itu indah dan menyenangkan meski dalam tekanan dan cobaan Hidup ini tak selamanya indah dan menyenangkan  Tak selamanya akan terus baik dan lebih makmur untuk yang kaya  Tak selamanya berhasil dalam segala hal yang kita inginkan  Hidup ini hanyalah sebutir debu yang jika tertiup angin akan terhempas dan tiada   Seperti bunga yang hari ini indah dan selanjutnya layu dan mati Apalah artinya hidup ini jika tidak ada Tuhan di dalam hati dan kehidupan kita? Surrender to God It does not mean you have Safe from all pressures The more you surrender The more pressure comes More and more inner stress The more powerful the help available The more surrender more a...

Being a Christian

Many people who are Adventists Or Other denominations think Being a Christian has become righteous We become arrogant, we assume the truth only in our church Other denominations do not have the truth as we have Sometimes we don't want to hear from others truth We become more pathetic The only thing we can to do is invite Jesus to come in into our lives So we can know what's the truth and how to apply that into our lives

He Is Here

I sense an awesome moving of the Holy Spirit And I see His countenance resting on your face I know that there are angels hovering all around us For the presence of the Lord is in this place He is here, Hallelujah! He is here, Amen! He is here, Holy, Holy I will bless His name again He is here, Listen closely Hear Him calling out your name He is here, you can touch Him You will never be the same I searched for peace among the shadows, dark and lonely Gave up on finding that strong and lasting love  I tasted all the things that sin could fear to offer me But today I feast on manna from above He is here, Hallelujah He is here, Amen He is here, Holy, Holy I will bless His name again He is here, listen closely Hear Him calling out your name He is here, you can touch Him You will never be the same He is here, you can touch Him And you will never be the same

Kalahkanlah Iblis BersamaNya

Jurang kegelapan itu mengerikan Setiap manusia berdiri di tepi jurang itu Ada yang berjuang untuk lari dari jurang itu Ada juga yang jatuh ke dalam jurang kegelapan itu Ada yang sampai mati pun masih tetap berada di dalam jurang itu Ada yang berteriak minta tolong kepada orang yang dapat membuatnya keluar dari jurang kegelapan itu Kegelapan dalam jurang itu begitu menyakitkan dan mengerikan Hanyalah seorang dari Terang yang dapat menolong kita untuk keluar dari jurang kegelapan itu Yesus! Hanya Yesus yang dapat menolong kita dari dosa yang telah menjerat kita Serahkanlah hidupmu pada Yesus dan kalahkanlah iblis bersamaNya

I Don't Want To Be Regret My Limitations

Let me tell you about Something in my mind Sometimes I feel Really hurt in my heart And at that time there was a Whispers of His voice speaks to me Calm down! I am here for you! He say that to calming my heart and soul  He said that His love will never end for me To make me feel comfort He always tells me that He had a great plan for me He is truly a Father for me Yes, He is my best friend He is the one who can understand hurt in my heart I am so proud to be His child I know in my life many people will hurt me.  I know there is something that makes a great pain in me. I know a lot of disappointment that I will experience in serving Him. I know for this purpose I summoned. I know this is a plan of His to make me strong enough. He is the one who has a very good plan for me until the end My life is not gonna be over just because so many people hurt me. My life is His plan and I don't want to regret my limitations I don...

Rancangan Tuhan Indah Pada Waktunya

I will never know What is God's plan in my life Until then I experienced it. I understand why I was born with disabilities I understand why He gave me life. I understand why He created me not like the others. I understand why he gave a strong mother of the strongest women in the world. I understand why he always entertained me with the words "Do not be disappointed with how you were." I understand that in my life, I had a beautiful love that could never be given by anyone. Although sometimes something painful to be had but I believe that time He was there for me. Indeed, I never understood his plan in my life but I know God's plan for my life the most beautiful in His time. Aku tidak akan pernah tahu Apa rencana Tuhan dalam hidupku. Sampai saat aku mengalaminya. Aku mengerti mengapa aku terlahir cacat Aku mengerti mengapa Dia memberikan aku hidup. Aku mengerti mengapa Dia menciptakan aku tak seperti yang lain.  Aku mengerti men...

This Life Was His

Nobody knows our hearts Besides us and Him who created us Our souls are His Our life is for His glory We are poor none can boast All we have is His and will return to Him Let no one feel themselves to be rich, because wealth is his gifts Not deserve someone prides himself, because all we have is God Nobody can be proud in this life because in fact this life was His

He will come soon

I praise the Lord For His promise I praise the Lord Because He will soon be returning I know that He will kept His promises. To come and take His people to His Kingdom. His Kingdom will be here now  For God loves His people He wants all the remnant to be saved Ask to the Lord to give you the Holy Spirit for make your heart holy To prepare you for His coming is only a matter of time For, "In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay." (Hebrews 10:37) He will come soon He will never deny His promise

Sunday Law

The time has come Prophecy have been fulfilled The beast in the book of revelation Has arrived at his last action The Sunday Law has been proclaimed And now I can say to you the world Praise The Lord my King is coming And now is the time to be ready for his coming  This is the national Sunday law of  America: Every Sunday is now designated national day of prayer Anyone who refuses to observe Sunday will be re-baptized,  waterboarded or sent to jail for 10 years

Little Princess

Dear little princess If I see you I will smile You have your own world Little baby, you are so cute You make all people around you smile You have a beautiful smile You can make all people around loves you Always be happy my little princess and Always make the world smile when see you

In Heaven

In Heaven There is no harm In heaven there is No opportunity for crime In heaven there is no chance to hurting In heaven there is no sorrow  In heaven there is no deaths In heaven there is no sin In heaven there is a happiness In heaven there is eternal life In heaven many angels are there waiting In heaven there is our Savior who really loves us Heaven is dwelling place of God It is a beautiful and a holy place Oh I can't wait to go there because Heaven is a place where we will live with God forever

A Daughter Misses Her Dad

A daughter misses her dad He who has long been gone And today  She's very long for his face She's  very long for his voice  She's  very long for his smile Although in reality  Her father leaving the wounded in the hearts But she know in her dad heart she still always be Daddy's little girl She knows that how much her dad love her and willingly give his all to her And she believe that someday when our Lord Jesus come she will meet her dad

Take Me To Thy Hand

Son of God Take me to Thy hand Take my life to Thee I surrender all my life I don't want to be a part from Thee I need Thee for a lifetime Teach me to love Thee more than my life Always give me Thy Holy Spirit O Lord Jesus Always be with me and don't let me go

Sometimes It Takes A Mountain

I faced a mountain, That I never faced before That's why I'm calling on the Lord I know it's been awhile, But Lord please hear my prayer I need you like I never have before. Chorus: Sometimes it takes a mountain Sometimes a troubled sea Sometimes it takes a desert To get a hold of me Your Love is so much stronger Then whatever troubles me Sometimes it takes a mountain To trust you and believe Forgive me, Jesus I thought I could control Whatever life would throw my way But this I will admit Has brought me to my knees I need you Lord and I'm not ashamed to say (Repeat chorus) Sometimes it takes a mountain Sometimes a troubled sea Sometimes it takes a desert To get a hold of me Your Love is so much stronger Then whatever troubles me Sometimes it takes a mountain To trust you and believe Sometimes it takes a mountain To trust you and believe

About This Blog

Nearly nine years I wrote on this blog ...  After walking around to find internet cafes until writing on a small screen cell phone and finally I could have my own laptop and Android things so I can get Blogger application. It's not easy for me to make this blog.   There are so many struggle should I do.   And it can not be separated from the role of my family and friends who have always supported me.  I'm so thankful for the family and friends that always there for me and always there for helping me.  I'm thankful for having a faithful friend like Father and Jesus Christ who also be the Important role in my life.   Without Him I am nothing,without Him I can't do anything, without Him I can't create this blog, without His Holy Spirit I couldn't have the inspiration to write a post.  I grateful to God for the family that He gave to me they were being my motivation to make this blog.  Actually my mom,  I want to make her happy a...


Heritage Singers Well the world got so crazy, and I had some places I needed to go In such a hurry and so full of worry to get it all done and I didn't notice that he was calling, didn't know he was bleeding softly trying to get my attention. So I hear you saying Chorus: Give me just a little more time, just a little more time to say I love you give me just a little more time, just a little more time to say I love you if you'd only listen awhile maybe you'd understand what I'm trying to say give me just a little more time, just a little more to say that I love you. Well He knows it's not easy doing the things that we're trying to do working all morning through all of the day until late afternoon but anytime that we get too busy there's a chance that we just wont hear him maybe this very moment  he is pleading with you...

I Want To Be True Adventist

I don't want to be Adventist just by a title Just only on the outside But inside I'm not Adventist I want to be a good Adventist Inside my heart too so I can be Live my life as a Adventist I am Adventist since I was born But I'm not truly Adventist in my heart I never thought about Him in this life But inside my heart the there is always A call in my heart to be a true Adventist And now I really want to be a true Adventist Inside me so I can change the world out there And I can be proud to be a Seventh Day Adventist I have felt the love of God so much in my life and I have seen how God work for my life it's so amazing My life is a gift from God and I want always praise His name I want to be became a good Adventist because I love my Lord And I think it is always there the same feeling of a Seventh Day Adventist Church people who was felt God's love in life

It Is Finished

There’s a line that is drawn thru the ages on that line stands an old rugged cross on that cross a battle is raging to gain a man’s soul or it’s loss on one side march the forces of evil all the demons all the devils of hell on the other the angels of glory and they meet on Golgotha’s hill the earth shakes with the force of the conflict and the sun refuses to shine for there hangs God’s son in the balance and then thru the darkness He cries It is finished, the battle is over It is finished there’ll be no more war It is finished the end of the conflict It is finished and Jesus is Lord Yet in my heart the battle was still raging Not all prisoners of war had come home These were battlefields of my own making I didn’t know that the war had been won Oh but then I heard the king of the ages Had fought all the battles for me And that victory was mine for the claiming And now praise his name I am free

Jesus Is All I Need

Jesus is all I need!  I always say that words In my heart and when I heard This song I realized that all I need Is only Jesus in my life Jesus is all I need Jesus is all I need I need no other friend I need no other one Jesus is all I need When I’m tired and I’m weary, on my journey home When the road is rough   and long, and I feel so all alone When my strength is all gone, and I can’t carry on That’s when my Jesus is all that I need Jesus is all I need Jesus is all I need I need no other friend I need no other one Jesus is all I need When life has let me down, and peace cannot be found When all my hopes and all my dreams, lie scattered on the ground Or when my joy turns to sorrow, and there’s no hope for tomorrow That’s when Jesus, he is all that I need Jesus is all I need Jesus is all I need I need no other friend I need no other one Jesus is all I need He’s all I need He’s all I need Jes...

We Speak To Nations

Hear the sound The sound of the nations calling Hear the sound The sound of the fatherless crying Who will go for us Who will shout to the corners of the earth That Christ is King We speak to nations, be open We speak to nations, fall on your knees We speak to nations The kingdom is coming near to you We speak to strongholds, be broken Powers of darkness, you have to flee We speak to nations The kingdom is coming near to you We speak to you Be free be free (Yeah, yeah) Hear the sound The sound of the nations worshiping Hear the sound Of sons and daughters singing Who will go for you Who will shout to the corners of the earth That Christ is King


Sometimes when I am down And I don't feel like you're around, oh Lord Feelin' so sorry for me Not knowing that all the while You're working to see if, when I'm put thru' the fire I'll come out shinin' like gold Oh Lord, Lord please don't ever stop working with me ‘Til you see I can be all You want me to be I am willing, Lord I am willing, Lord To be just exactly what You want me to be I am willing, Lord I am willing, Lord To be just exactly what You want me to be Often when I ask why Teach me then on You to rely, oh Lord You surely know what is best May I learn that in confidence and strength I can rest Then, leaning fully on You My questions fall one by one Dear Lord, Lord please don't ever stop working with me ‘Til you see I can be all You want me to be I am willing, Lord I am willing, Lord To be just exactly what You want me to be I am willing, Lord I am willing, Lord To be just exactly what You want me to be

All Just Because Thy Grace

Lord, Thou look at all that is in my heart Thou know what is in my mind that I can not disclose to others Sometimes I feel worthless for family, I was a burden for them Sometimes I want to die so that their burden is reduced and they should be happy Sometimes I want to choose to live and be happy with them if they don't mind Why was I born with disabilities that all Thy will I do not want to regret my condition Because I knew I was thy creations just like a beautiful flower, and other normal people Because of Thee O Lord, my God, I was here in this world and I can be Thy servant and I can have many talent even though I have never tasted the higher education.  All just because Thy grace to me, it's all because Thy miracle I'm so grateful to Thee for my life