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Showing posts from July, 2017

I Am Truly Blessed

I am truly blessed.... Nulis itu gak harus punya buku yang banyak di terbitin.. Trus di beli banyak orang... Nulis itu adalah berkat Tuhan... Bagi aku orang mau baca tulisan yang aku tulis secara cuma-cuma gak apa-apa... Berarti aku membagikan berkat Tuhan secara cuma-cuma .... Karena aku mendapatkan talenta ini dari Tuhan secara cuma-cuma...  I am truly blessed  Writing does not have to have a lot of books in publish .. Then buy lots of people ... Writing it is God's blessing ... For me people want to read the writing that I write for free is okay ... That means I share God's blessings for free .... Because I get this talent from God for free ...

What Are You Looking For

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 NIV We are looking for a sincere love, We are looking for a happiness, We are looking for a good friend, We are looking for popularity We want to be more cool And we are busy amass wealth. What's all that for? That's all that we're looking for? Does all of that we are looking for? Does all of that make a joyful in heart? All of that make us forget about God. All of that make us forget about Heaven In fact, Heaven is our eternal wealth In fact, God is ready to give more than all we were looking for God knows our hearts and He knew what are you longing for As long as we want to seek Him with all our heart and soul As long as we want to love Him more than this world pleasure Don't get discouraged if you don't get what you're looking for For we are know that our life is only temporary in this world Nothing we can do to make our live...

I Don't Want To Be Sad Anymore

Sadness is always come in my heart Sadness is my friend every single day Unhappy face I always see every time Angry face is a sight that I see every day Fear always comes every time in my heart I hope I could disappear from this world I think I am the one who always be troublesome I hope I can be happy with everyone around me I don't want to be sad anymore and I don't want to be fear of someone I don't want to be someone who always makes everyone unhappy I just want to make my family and friends happy if they are with me I know I'm in the arms of God, therefore I always rejoice inside my heart

Jesus is all I need

When I'm feeling lonely When I feel like no friends Nobody wants to be my friend No true friend in this world I have Sometimes I feel they just want to be with me Because there is something that they wanting from me But I don't care about them anymore because I know I have Jesus and I don't need to be disappointed about them Like the song that I really love and I always hear from day to day Jesus is all I need I need no other friend I no other one only Jesus is all that I need. And now I realize that I don't need to be discouraged to serve Jesus I don't need to see people when I serve. I know I just need to turn my eyes upon Jesus and serve Him with all my heart. He can make the way when I feel like it's hard for me to do that when nobody wants to help me.

I still feel His presence

Today I'm not going to the church Just at home but I still feel His presence Since morning I play spiritual songs I read some spiritual books like Spirit of prophecy I try not to playing games and, I did it! Yaaay! That's why I tell you I still feel His presence. I did it! I tried to resist my fleshly desires, and I did it! All because His presence is there for me this Sabbath.

"I Got Saved" by Selah

There is a river of gladness That pours from Emmanuel's veins This sinner was plunged beneath the flood And got saved Since then I walk in forgiveness All of my guilt was erased The chains of the past Are broken at last I got saved Oh, I got saved I'm undone by the mercy of Jesus I'm undone by the goodness of the Lord I'm restored and made right He got a hold of my life I've got Jesus How could I want more I've received nothing but goodness I've tested and tasted Your grace I was so lost 'Til I fell at the cross And got saved Oh, I got saved I'm undone by the mercy of Jesus I'm undone by the goodness of the Lord I'm restored and made right He got a hold of my life I've got Jesus How could I want more The love of God Gave me His pardon The love of God Won't let me stay the same The love of God Pulls me up higher His will is stronger That's why I got saved I'm undone by the mercy of Jes...

Tuhan Tidak Ada Batas Agama

Ada postingan di facebook yang membuat saya terkesan Tulisannya bagus dan menarik untuk menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi kita semua Ini postingan dari Om saya dan saya sangat suka postingan ini. Mohon maaf, sy ingin sekali share kejadian yg dialami seseorang di Semarang.. Sungguh indah.. Suatu hari di Semarang setelah kebetulan ikut misa katholik harian pagi, seperti biasa aku duduk di depan gua Bunda Maria. Setelah selesai berdoa aku cuma duduk berdiam aja disitu. Tiba-tiba aku tertarik melihat seorang wanita setengah baya. Kalau tidak bisa dikatakan sudah sepuh. Berjalan tertatih, sudah agak membungkuk dengan kemoceng ditangan dan serbet seadanya di pundaknya. Sang wanita, datang menghampiri patung dan berkata. "Gusti Yesus.. Gusti Maria.. nyuwun sewu.. kulo bade resik-resik.. !!!" (Gusti Yesus.. Gusti Maria.. mohon maaf, permisi.. saya mau bersih-bersih..!!!") Aku tertegun dan secara tidak sadar tertarik dengan apa yang dilakukan si ibu. Dengan perlaha...

Tuhan Yesus Lebih Dari Segalanya

Aku mungkin ingin memiliki Kekasih yang baik dan tampan Aku mungkin memimpikannya Di setiap malam-malamku Tapi aku menyadari bahwa aku Lebih merindukan bersama dengan-Nya Aku lebih merindukan Yesus dari pria yang aku sukai Aku lebih ingin menulis puisi cinta untuk Yesus daripada untuk seseorang Ternyata Tuhan Yesus itu lebih dari segalanya untukku Aku tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi pada masa depanku Tapi aku tahu Dia akan selalu menjadi kerinduanku sepanjang masa