According to God’s Word, He loved us before the world was formed, before we loved Him or believed in Him or had ever done anything either right or wrong. Isn’t that amazing? God’s love for us was, is, and always will be unending and unconditional. Because God does not require us to earn His love, we can follow His example, not requiring others to earn ours. Love is not something we do and then don’t do. We should not turn it on and off, depending on who we want to give it to and how they are treating us. As believers in Jesus Christ, the love we can demonstrate to the world is the unconditional love of God flowing through us to them. We cannot understand this God-kind of love with our minds. It far surpasses mere knowledge. It is a revelation that God gives to His children. It is something we feel as we draw closer to the Lord, and it is something we can’t wait to share with those around us. Uncondi...
Hi! my name is Margie Amelia. You may call me Amel. Maybe I'm different to normal girls, I was born with cerebral palsy. but I know God is so good to me. I love sing, read and I really love write... I love Jesus Christ and as long as I live I will praise and serve Him.. Happy reading all. ... ^ _ ~ God bless you all readers. Psalms 139:14 (KJV) “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”