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Showing posts from June, 2021

Sons and Daughters of God: The Better Inheritance, June 30

We Choose the Best in Life An inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.  1 Peter 1:4 . Our petitions to God should not proceed from hearts that are filled with selfish aspirations. God exhorts us to choose those gifts that will redound to His glory. He would have us choose the heavenly instead of the earthly. He throws open before us the possibilities and advantages of a heavenly commerce. He gives encouragement to our loftiest aims, security to our choicest treasure. When the worldly possession is swept away, the believer will rejoice in his heavenly treasure, the riches that cannot be lost in any earthly disaster.  The Review and Herald, August 16, 1898 .   How sad it is that men turn from the immortal inheritance, and live for the gratification of pride, for selfishness and display, and through submission to the rule of Satan, lose the blessing which they might have both in this life and in the life to come. They mi...

Sons and Daughters of God: Joseph Chose Life's Best, Samson Did Not, June 29

We Choose the Best in Life For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.  Galatians 6:8 . Few temptations are more dangerous or more fatal to young men than the temptation to sensuality and none if yielded to will prove so decidedly ruinous to soul and body for time and eternity. The welfare of his entire future is suspended upon the decision of a moment. Joseph calmly casts his eyes to heaven for help, slips off his loose outer garment, leaving it in the hand of his tempter and while his eye is lighted with determined resolve in the place of unholy passion, he exclaims, “How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” The victory is gained; he flees from the enchanter; he is saved.  The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 1:1097 . Samson in his peril had the same source of strength as had Joseph. He could choose the right or the wrong as he pleased. But instead of taking hold of th...

Sons and Daughters of God: Discretion, June 28

  We Choose the Best in Life Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee.  Proverbs 2:11 . By your choice words and a consistent course of action, by your propriety, your earnest piety, make a telling confession of your faith, determined that Christ shall occupy the throne in the soul temple; and lay your talents without reserve at His feet to be employed in His service.... Make it the law of your life from which no temptation or side interest shall cause you to turn, to honor God.  The Youth's Instructor, February 2, 1893 .   In this fast age, reeking with corruption, you are not safe unless you stand guarded. Virtue and modesty are rare. I appeal to you as followers of Christ, making an exalted profession, to cherish the precious, priceless gem of modesty. This will guard virtue.  Child Guidance, 417 .   Holiness of heart will never lead to impure actions.... The truth of heavenly origin never degrades the receiver ...; on the contrary, ...

Sons and Daughters of God: Honesty, June 27

  We Choose the Best in Life Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.  2 Corinthians 8:21 . In all business transactions, we are to let the light shine decidedly. There is to be no sharp practice. Everything is to be done with the strictest integrity. Better consent to lose something financially than to gain a few shillings by sharp practice. We shall lose nothing in the end by fair dealing. We are to live the law of God in our world, and perfect a character after the divine similitude. All business, with those in the faith and those not in the faith, is to be transacted on square, righteous principles. Everything is to be seen in the light of God's law, everything done without fraud, without duplicity, without one tinge of guile.  The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 3:1158 . For a Babylonish robe and a paltry treasure of gold and silver, Achan consented to sell himself to evil, to bring upon his soul the curse of God, to forfe...

Sons and Daughters of God: True Beauty, June 26

  We Choose the Best in Life And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.  Psalm 90:17 . There is a natural tendency with all to be sentimental rather than practical. In view of this fact, it is important that parents, in the education of their children, should direct and train their minds to love truth, duty, and self-denial, and to possess noble independence, to choose to be right, if the majority choose to be wrong.... If they preserve to themselves sound constitutions and amiable tempers, they will possess true beauty that they can wear with a divine grace. And they will have no need to be adorned with artificials, for these are always expressive of an absence of the inward adorning of true moral worth. A beautiful character is of value in the sight of God. Such beauty will attract, but not mislead. Such charms are fast colors; they never fade. The pure religion of Jesus requires of its followers the simplicity of natural beauty and the polish of natural refinement a...

Sons and Daughters of God: Divine Wisdom, June 25

  We Choose the Best in Life For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.  Proverbs 8:11 . If Adam and Eve had never touched the forbidden tree, the Lord would have imparted to them knowledge,—knowledge upon which rested no curse of sin, knowledge that would have brought them everlasting joy. The only knowledge they gained by their disobedience was a knowledge of sin and its results.... Age after age, the curiosity of men has led them to seek for the tree of knowledge; and often they think they are plucking fruit most essential, when, like Solomon's research, they find it altogether vanity and nothingness in comparison with that science of true holiness which will open to them the gates of the city of God. The human ambition has been seeking for that kind of knowledge that will bring to them glory and self-exaltation and supremacy. Thus Adam and Eve were worked upon by Satan until God's restraint was snapped asunder, an...

Sons and Daughters of God: To Accept the Light God Sends, June 24

  We Choose the Best in Life O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.  Psalm 43:3 . The Lord Jesus came to our world full of mercy, life, and light, ready to save those who should come unto Him. But He can save no one against his will. God does not force the conscience; He does not torture the body that He may compel men to compliance with His law. All this work is after the order of Satan.... The Lord has made it apparent that He proffers to the sinner the privilege of cooperating with God. He gives light, and furnishes evidence of the truth. He makes plain what are His requirements, and it is left with the sinner as to whether he will accept the truth, and receive grace and power by which he may comply with every condition, and find rest in giving willing service to Jesus Christ, who has paid the price of his redemption. If the sinner hesitates, and fails to appreciate the light that has reached his i...

Sons and Daughters of God: With a Happy Sabbath Day of Worship and Rest, June 23

  We Choose to Please God in All We Do Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, ... ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings.  Leviticus 23:3 . Whatever of ours God claims from us, He returns again, enriched, transfigured, with His own glory.... The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God's purpose they are indissolubly linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God's plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or ...

Sons and Daughters of God: With Holiness in All Conversation, June 22

  We Choose to Please God in All We Do But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation.  1 Peter 1:15 . Where the heart is purified and refined, and made fit for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the tongue will be sanctified to the glory of God.... You can surround your souls with an atmosphere that will be like breezes from the heavenly Eden. Open your heart to the Lord Jesus. Guard your tongue. Let not your tongue run at random in jesting and joking. These are signs that your heart needs to be cleansed from its defilement.... Our words index the state of our heart; and whether men talk much or little, their words express the character of their thoughts. A man's character may be quite accurately estimated by the nature of his conversation. Sound, truthful words have the right ring in them.  The Youth's Instructor, June 13, 1895 .   Educate yourself to carry a pleasant countenance, and bring all the sweetness and melody possible...

Sons and Daughters of God: With Good Music That Will Be a Blessing, June 21

  We Choose to Please God in All We Do Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.  Psalm 100:2 . Let there be singing in the home, of songs that are sweet and pure, and there will be fewer words of censure, and more of cheerfulness and hope and joy.... As a part of religious service, singing is as much an act of worship as is prayer. Indeed, many a song is prayer.  Education, 168 . I feel alarmed as I witness everywhere the frivolity of young men and young women who profess to believe the truth.... They have a keen ear for music, and Satan knows what organs to excite to animate, engross, and charm the mind, so that Christ is not desired.... Solemn responsibilities rest upon the young, which they lightly regard. The introduction of music into their homes, instead of inciting to holiness and spirituality, has been the means of diverting their minds from the truth. Frivolous songs and the popular sheet music of the day seem congenial to their taste....