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Showing posts from March, 2016

For the love of all time

For the love of all time You never replaced in my heart You're that raise love in my heart You've make me knew what love is There is nothing beautiful in my heart Besides to see you, hear your voice Maybe for you I am nothing but to me You are very mean, you were everything in my life

O Dear Savior

Truly Miraculous The act of thy hands O Dear Savior I'll exalt Thy name I praise Thy greatness In everything that I do Miraculous indeed are Thou O my Lord! Thou art alone are God Thou whom created the entire universe Thou art alone the King of the universe The great King of Judah is the Messiah When my heart is sad or happy I'll exalt Thee When problems happen, praise thee brings peace of heart When thou touched my heart with Thy love I know that Thou will never leave me for your love for me is eternal

Because My Life Is Thine

Lord Thou are really amazing I praise Thee for Thy incredible work Thy work in me make me amaze in Thee Thou have chose me to belong to thee Because my life is thine, Thy will be done Because my life is thine I will always exalt thee Because my life is thine I will always serve thee Thou are my strength to live my life in the hard time Because without Thee I am helpless and I am nothing For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever