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Showing posts from September, 2017

Just Know Him

God may create you differently But sometimes you need to understand Why He makes you different from the other Why He makes you different in the limitations Why you have to be someone with disabilities Why God let you fight for your circumstances Let Him live in your life and let His work be in you Let Him be your life and change you into new you Let Him change your heart with His heart But that does not mean your life will be easy You will be broken but that is where you will be glorified Just knowing Him and love Him with all heart And you will understand what his plans for your life

Into My Heart / Fairest Lord Jesus Selah Into my heart, into my heart Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Come in today, come in to stay Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature O thou of God and man the Son Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor Thou my soul's glory, joy and crown Fair is the sunshine, fairer still the moonlight And all the twinkling starry host Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer Than all the angels heaven can boast Beautiful Savior, Lord of all the nations Son of God and Son of man Glory and honor, praise, adoration Now and forever more be Thine Now and forever more be Thine

The cross

The cross Has become Beautiful story All the time The cross has Being a beautiful song All the time The cross has become Very beautiful poem What I've written on All my life The cross is decisive Our future On the cross there is infinite love On the cross there is an infinite blessing But I realize that sometimes I do not appreciate His sacrifice on the cross I feel too good with pleasure in this eternal world Too affronting His holy will to my life I do not want to live like that anymore, I want to live for Him who crucified for me


Is it me wrong if I am Hope you come back alive? I feel very lonely No one wants to hear My complaints when I'm sad No one gave me As much spirit as you do You may be an evil father But I realize that I love you I still need you very much in this life Too soon you leave me Too short my time with you in my life May we meet on His soon day