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Showing posts from January, 2016

Thou Still My Lord

Whatever they say Thou still my Lord Whatever they do To keep me away from your love I believe you will pull me back As long as my eyes and my heart is focused to Thee Whatever they do to me to against thy will I will continue to do Thy will, for Thy desire are beautiful to me Stay with me forever, O my Lord! For Thou art the owner of my life

Thou were there

Lord Thou were there when I feel weak Thou were there when I needed help Thou were there when I'm feeling lonely Thou were there when I needed a friend Thou were there when I was hungry Thou were there when I feel hungry for affection Thou were there when I was not able to keep My heart in order according to thy will, O my Lord What else do less if Thou always there when I need everything?  Nothing!


Hatiku bergetar Setiap kali aku Mendengar namaMu Hatiku bergetar setiap Aku membaca tentangMu Hati bergetar setiap aku Datang dan berbicara denganMu Hatiku percaya sekalipun aku belum Melihat janjiMu Yang kau janjikan padaku Hatiku percaya saat membaca tentangMu Hatiku percaya karena Engkau benar ada Hatiku percaya bahwa Engkau adalah Tuhan Yesus, Engkau akan kusembah sepanjang hidupku

Dalam Keterbatasanku 2 / In my limitations 2

Maybe I'm not worthy serve you Oh, Lord I'm just a girl with disabilities I'm just someone who meaningless I'm filled with sin My sin very great and can't be forgiven But you came washed over me from sin Thou gave me infinite love As I learn Thy word, I learned to trust to Thee, I want to do thy commandments, I want to be thy servants and I desire to faithfully serve Thee In my limitations, you declare Thy great power Thy word all my delight and strength in my soul Serve Thee always give joy in my heart Serve Thee in my life has always been a avocation In my limitations Thou show Thy miracles are real In my limitations I believe you were always protecting me Now my life is more meaningful with You within my limitations  Mungkin aku tak layak melayaniMu Ah, Tuhan aku hanyalah gadis yang cacat Aku hanyalah seseorang yang tak berarti Aku seorang yang dipenuhi oleh dosa Dosaku sangat besar dan tak bisa diampu...

Jesus Christ He Is My Miracle

If other said Miracle there was nothing For me miracle is so mean Jesus Christ He is my miracle Because He had my whole life He who had the miracle for my life His hand always work in my whole life Unbelievable God, I really amazed Thee Make Thy miracles for all who love Thee  And let thy name is always be more exalted


To The adherents Of false teaching O Sinful man You were born from sin And now you are claimed That you are the messiah I tell you, you're not the messiah There is only one Messiah He is Jesus The Son of God He is the true Messiah He is now in heaven in the holy temple Judging our deeds in which books our names Will be written whether the book of life or the book of death He will come back to the world to fetch his own people From heaven he will come and will be seen by all people eyes

If I

If I Began to move away from Thee Then pull me back to Thee If I'm going to commit a sin So remind me always that it hurt Thy heart If I hurt my neighbor then remind me that it also hurt Thee If I don't do Thy will remind me that my life is yours then Thy will must be done in me Jika aku Mulai menjauh dariMu Maka tariklah aku kembali padaMu Jika aku hendak melakukan suatu dosa Maka ingatkan aku selalu bahwa itu menyakiti hatiMu Jika aku menyakiti hati sesamaku maka ingatkan aku bahwa itu juga menyakitiMu Hidupku adalah milikMu maka kehendak-Mu harus terjadi didalamku

The Author

I n every story It's a fictional story Or it's a real story Miracles always happen inside Not only for readers but also the author The author is the creator of the characters in a story Authors should feel the hearts of the characters that he wrote to be a beautiful story When writing the story, the author and the characters that he wrote would be one insideWhen God created us He also feel our heart when He wrote the story of us He became one with us

San Part 9

Dan sekarang aku mempertemukanmu dengan dua orang gadis yang berbeda. Yang satu mengenalmu sebagai Manusia dan mencintaimu karena kau adalah seorang Manusia sedangkan yang satu ini memberikanmu apa yang tak pernah di berikan oleh gadis yang satunya lagi dia memberikanmu hidup, kasih sayang dan perhatian dan cinta. Saat kau berubah menjadi manusia kau menjadi teman kakaknya, sudah ada, ada cinta yang dirasakanya padamu. Tapi karena fisiknya yang tak sempurna dia merasa tak pantas untukmu. Dia membiarkanmu mencintai kakaknya. Oya Pangeran, Apakah cinta Rhea telah berhasil melupuhkan sihir si penyihir jahat itu? Setiap malam Rhea mengatakan cinta padamu tapi sihir itu masih ada. Tahukah kamu Pangeran, cintanya hanya karena engkau adalah seorang Pangeran Sandro bukan San si kucing dan jika kau berubah wujud mejadi seekor kucing dia akan menendangmu, menginjak kepalamu dan segala macam cara dilakukan Rhea untuk menyiksa kucing Ivana yang adalah anda. Mengapa kau tak pernah menyadarinya Pan...

My Superhero

Who is your favorite super hero? Superman? Supergirl? Wonder Woman? Batman? Robin? Catwoman? the Flash? Spider-Man? the Hulk? or the Iron Man? you know who is my favorite super hero? Lord Jesus is my favorite super hero Jesus is the super hero to set free all the man  That full of sin be holy and worthy to be the child of the Lord Is there a superhero who be able set us free from sin? Nothing!  Only Jesus that can be set us  free from sin! Only with His blood we shall be saved. That's why I praise His name, therefore I worship him, that's why I served him and therefore he became everything to me Though many people prefer superhero fantasy man-made  than the holy Savior who has purified them with His blood For me, He is my superhero He is my Savior He's the one and only who loves me more than anything He is my Lord

Engkau Tahu

Tuhan Yesus Cinta yang indah Yang Engkau berikan Padaku sungguh mengagumkan Engkau mengenalku lebih dari siapapun Tak ada yang bisa melebihi Engkau di dunia ini Engkau memberikan apa yang dunia tak bisa berikan padaku Engkau menciptakan aku Engkau tahu seperti apa diriku Engkau tahu saat aku aka dilahirkan dan kapan hidupku akan berakhir Aku ingin menyatakan Engkaulah Tuhan yang akan aku sembah seumur hidupku Aku ingin memuji Engkau karena kebaikanMu dan aku bangga memiliki Bapa seperti Engkau Hidupku hanya ingin kuserahkan ke dalam tangan-Mu karena Engkau Tahu yang terbaik bagiku Mazmur 103:1-2 Dari Daud. Pujilah TUHAN, hai jiwaku! Pujilah nama-Nya yang kudus, hai segenap batinku! Pujilah TUHAN, hai jiwaku, dan janganlah lupakan segala kebaikan-Nya!

The Love Of A Man Named Jesus Christ Never Changes

The years passed Months turned into months Day by day Every hour, every second We have been through Do we realize about something All men are are expecting Love But men love can change The love of a friend can change The love of a lover can be changed The love of a family can be changed Only someone with infinite love that never changes The love of a man named Jesus Christ never changes The love of God never changes forever, and he showed it through Jesus Christ That was His own Son so that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life Jesus was a form of God's infinite love that has been witnessed by humans who have experienced the love Stay with Jesus trust in Him regardless of the circumstances of your lifethen life that is empty without love will not there anymore If you have experienced the love of God then give the love have you been getting from God for others Tahun berganti tahun Bulan berganti bulan Hari berganti hari Se...