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Showing posts from June, 2016

"Faithful to the End"

"Faithful to the End" When I'm feeling afraid Full of uncertainty When the plans that I've made All fall apart When the future's unclear And all that I can do is wait There is a promise Echoing in my heart [Chorus] He will be faithful to the end He will provide time and time again He will be faithful So faithful to the end He will be there when all else fades His love is stronger than my pain He will be faithful So faithful to the end There is grace I can't measure Mercy I don't deserve There's forgiveness that's endless for me Oh what a blessed assurance To know how deeply I’m loved And I’m always reminded That he will be all I need [Repeat Chorus]

Someone in a dream

Someone who was never there in the hearts Suddenly he appeared in a dream And finally the moment bothering this heart Don't know why don't know what happened Suddenly he comes in a beautiful dream And now he disrupt this heart I was very happy with the dream But I don't want to wish that dream come true It was a beautiful dream not only once but many times He was too high for me to achieve too far away to be reached

Something that you think is best is not necessarily the best

Something that you think is best is not necessarily the best We must choose to let our will or His will that have to happen in life We must choose to let sin or His holiness, that there will be in our lives We must choose the devil or God would be win in our lives We must choose the best of the devil or the best of the Lord will be happen in our lives God knows best it is something eternal but the devil's ways are perishing

“I Choose”

I often feel weak Even today I feel weak But this song reminds me that I have to choose to believe in Him Whatever you and I face in this life We have to choose to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ Whatever the painful that we feel we have to be choose to believe that our Lord are faithful “I Choose” Master, may I be so honest?  Could I admit the way I feel? I’m hurting.  It seems that You’ve forsaken. I wonder, is Your love for me still real? Though my friends think I am happy, unaffected by this trial, they can’t see the pain I’m hiding just underneath my smile. Master, I can’t live this way anymore.  So, today, I make my choice. I choose to believe that You are faithful, and my heart is in Your hands, and this mystery that I face today is part of a greater plan. I choose not to be discouraged when the sun will not break through. I have the choice of trusting You.  So, Lord, this is what I choose. I know the road will not b...

My Mom Is The Best Mom In The Whole World

It was hard When she raised her two children And one of them was born as Persons with cerebral palsy When her spouse left her It was a hard time in her life There was no one to comfort her Everything looked so dark way in the future I know it because I was her daughter who's cerebral palsy I was the heaviest burden during her lifetime but she never complain My mom is the best mom in the whole world even though she once said,  She had ever not wanted me to be born but endless her love for me until today I want to see my mom happy in her life forever and I want to tell her that I love her more than she knows I really thank God for having her in my life and I want to thank god for making me to be her daughter

Rencana Tuhan Selalu Sempurna

Ketika aku bertanya: bukankah Semua yang Engkau ciptakan  Semuanya adalah sempurna? Mengapa aku dilahirkan berbeda? Mengapa aku dilahirkan dengan keterbatasan? Tuhan menjawab lewat firmanNya: Aku menciptakan engkau "Karena pekerjaan-pekerjaanKu harus dinyatakan di dalam dirimu." "Sebab Aku ini mengetahui rancangan-rancangan apa yang ada pada-Ku mengenai kamu, demikianlah firman TUHAN, yaitu rancangan damai sejahtera dan bukan rancangan kecelakaan, untuk memberikan kepadamu hari depan yang penuh harapan." Dan kini aku bersaksi bahwa Tuhan itu adil dan sangat baik dan hatiku bersukacita karena Tuhan "Kecaplah dan lihatlah, betapa baiknya TUHAN itu! Berbahagialah orang yang berlindung pada-Nya!"

Puisi terakhir WS Rendra

Aku tidak banyak membaca Puisi karya WS Rendra Tapi puisi ini sangat berkesan bagi saya... Aku berharap semoga puisi saya juga dapat  bermanfaat bagi semua yang membacanya... Hidup itu seperti *UAP*,  yang sebentar saja kelihatan, lalu lenyap !! Ketika Orang memuji *MILIKKU*, aku berkata bahwa ini *HANYA TITIPAN* saja. Bahwa mobilku adalah titipan-NYA, Bahwa rumahku adalah titipan-NYA, Bahwa hartaku adalah titipan-NYA, Bahwa putra-putriku hanyalah titipan-NYA ... Tapi mengapa aku tidak pernah bertanya, *MENGAPA DIA* menitipkannya kepadaku? *UNTUK APA DIA* menitipkan semuanya kepadaku. Dan kalau bukan milikku, apa yang seharusnya aku lakukan untuk milik-NYA ini? Mengapa hatiku justru terasa berat, ketika titipan itu diminta kembali oleh-NYA? Malahan ketika diminta kembali, _kusebut itu_ *MUSIBAH,* _kusebut itu_ *UJIAN*, _kusebut itu_ *PETAKA*, _kusebut itu apa saja ..._ Untuk melukiskan, bahwa semua itu adalah *DERITA*.... Ketika aku berdo'a, kuminta tit...

Thou the mighty God

Thou Lord is a great God Thou the mighty God There is none like you The Lord miraculous are Thou Thou have a very a great and beautiful love But I always grieve thy holy heart Yet you never stop loving me Thou art ever patience with me I often forget thy commandment and inattentive do Thy will I know I don't deserve Your grace, that is very precious for me. But Lord, Thou touched my hearts were dirty and lowly Thou still love me and never abandoned me Thou art ever lift me when I fell and always be sustains my life I will give my heart to thee, let me know thee more than anyone that I know, Let me love thee more than anyone that I loved

Mencintai Tuhan

Mencintai Tuhan itu Seperti orang yang Di jodohkan Hanya mendengar tentangNya Hanya membaca tentangNya Hanya dengan dengan iman melihatNya Kau akan memilih untuk mencintai Dia Atau menolak untuk memberikan cintamu PadaNya yang tidak pernah kau lihat Sampai saat Dia datang untuk menjemput Dan membawa pengantinNya ke tempat tinggalNya

Sabbath is a happy day

When I was a child There is a children song That I always remember Sabbath is a happy day, happy day, happy day, Sabbath is a happy day, I love every Sabbath. Sabbath is a happy day, is it true or it's just a song? Though that time i was a little girl but for me Sabbath is a happy day Because I will heard a story about how God created heaven and earth In that day I heard about Jesus,and they said he created me and he Loves me When I was a teenage girl, I was sick and Sabbath becomes a boring day And when I recovered I'd like to thank to my great Healer. i'm longing to serve Him. Every Sabbath I always ask Him to give me a chance to serve Him for I know He had a wonderful plan for me And now I have see how great is the Lord Jesus Christ working in my whole life I will keep love Him for He first loved me. He is my healer, He is my strength, He is my very best friend, He is my everything and He is the lord of a holy Sabbath day. that's why I sa...

Cinta Sejati Adalah Cinta Tuhan

Banyak cinta Yang datang Banyak juga Jiwa yang sakit Karena cinta itu Cinta dunia di dunia Hanya akan membawa Sakit dan luka dalam hati Lalu siapa yang memiliki Cinta yang tulus dalam dunia ini Dalam Tuhan ada cinta yang sejati Dalam Yesus manusia mendapatkannya Tidak ada cinta melebihi cintaNya pada dunia ini Cinta sejati adalah cinta Tuhan cinta yang tiada batasnya Cinta yang rela mati demi menebus manusia yang berdosa Cinta itulah yang tak akan pernah tergantikan dengan siapa pub juga CintaNya begitu indah dan begitu menakjubkan tak akan ada yang seperti Dia Berharaplah pada cintaNya dan kau tak akan pernah haus dan lapar lagi akan cinta dunia ini