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Showing posts from November, 2017


If love is everything It mean God is everything Because God is love If you want ever lasting love Just always believe in Jesus His love will not never ever end Love of his love is so pure and true He is the only one who can love us With unconditionally love Even if he got hurt because of our sins He will still love us and forgive us for So blessed to be his peoples I know that because he already showed me that love

I Must Feel

Father Often I do not understand What is Thou plan in my life Since my birth I have known Thee But after I got to know the pleasures of the world I prefer the pleasures of the world than Thee And .... I must feel crushed Only then did I realize How good Thou are I have to feel helpless Only then did I realize that How strong and mighty Thou are I must feel pain in my heart Only then did I feel Thine hurt heart because of human sin My Lord, I am Thine Be Thy will in my life My Lord, I want to live for Thee and die in Thy hand