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Showing posts from August, 2019

O Brother, be Faithful

Uriah Smith, 1853. Isaac Woodbury, 1847. O brother, be faithful! Soon Jesus will come, For whom we have waited so long; O, soon we shall enter our glorious home, And join in the conqueror's song. O brother, be faithful! For why should we prove Unfaithful to Him who hath shown Such deep, such unbounded and infinite love Who died to redeem us His own. O brother, be faithful! The city of gold, Prepared for the good and the blest, Is waiting its portals of pearl to unfold, And welcome thee into thy rest. Then, brother, prove faithful! Not long shall we stay In weariness here, and forlorn, Time's dark night of sorrow is wearing away, We haste to the glorious morn. O brother, be faithful! He soon will descend, Creation's omnipotent King, While legions of angels His ...

Jangan Pernah Menyerah with David Lintong

God never promises  the sky is always blue.  But He promised  always be with us.  God never promises the road is always flat.  But He promised  give us the strength. Tuhan tak pernah janji langit selalu biru. Tetapi Dia berjanji selalu menyertai. Tuhan tak pernah janji jalan selalu rata. Tetapi Dia berjanji berikan kekuatan.    Never give up don't despairing Miracles of God exist when the heart worships. Never give up don't despairing Miracles of God exist for the faithful and believes. Jangan pernah menyerah jangan berputus asa. Mujizat Tuhan ada saat hati menyembah. Jangan pernah menyerah jangan berputus asa. Mujizat Tuhan ada bagi yang setia dan percaya. God never promises the sky is always blue.  But He promised  always be with us.  God never promises the road is always flat.  But He promised  give us the strength. Tuhan tak pernah janji langit selalu biru. Tetapi Dia...

Alone Doesn’t Have to Mean Lonely

The Plan today is really good. I don't know why I read this plan but more I read more I know what God wants me to do.  So I want to share with you guys what I read today from Bible plan with a title Captured & Crowned: 7 Day of Promises and today is day 4 I read the Bible plan.  Hope you enjoyed the article. Loneliness is a state of mind, more than a state of being. Have you ever been in a crowd of people, and still felt all alone? We tend to get caught up in our feelings because we are made to connect with others. If we have been hurt in a deep way, we might feel this way more often than others. As long as we are alive, there will be opportunities for us to try and fill that empty feeling with someone or something other than a relationship with Christ. Some people may try shopping it away, others may eat to comfort themselves. Poor relationship choices are often made because we just want someone to be there to love us and keep us from feeling alone. Why do you think ther...

About The Rumors of Christian Community

Why are you afraid O God's people? Why do we have to boil our hearts over insults? Isn't the God we worship is a strong God? Isn't God is omniscient to know the hearts of every human being? Wouldn't He show Himself true if He was humiliated? He who is insulted will show Himself to those who insult Him. All we need to do is believe, pray, and remain faithful to the Lord Jesus. Why are you angry, God's people? Is it because your God is insulted? Why are you angry, God's people? Is it because your God is insulted? Is not He the Almighty and Holy One was capable of defending himself, so we expect the human defense to Him? That is the attitude of those who don't believe that the One you worship day and night is Almighty God, the Most Holy God, the God of Love.  I AM NOT ASHAMED We’re an anchor for those who are hurting We’re a harbor for those who are lost Sometime it’s not always easy bearing Calvary’s Cross We’ve been ridiculed by tho...

Jesus, I Need You Part 1 Day 5 (Bible Plan)

QUIET MOMENT Isaiah prophesied of the chosen one who would come, more than 700 years before His birth. GOING DEEPER Let’s continue to build a framework to understand more about the mission and the message of Jesus as we read additional Scriptures from the Old Testament describing our Lord. What does each of the following passages teach you about Jesus? 1. Psalm 22 2. Isaiah 9:1-7 (See also Isaiah 53, 2 Samuel 7:12–13, and Zechariah 9:9 for further insight if you have time.) Isaiah prophesies about Jesus in Isaiah 61:1-4, this time wording it as if Jesus were speaking. As you read this passage, meditate on the thought that we are to be the body of Christ now. We are to be a continuation of what Jesus began. As we've read, the Old Testament prophesied of the Messiah to come. Finally the new day dawned, and the time came. Read Matthew 1:18-25 for the fulfillment of prophecy specifically surrounding His birth. Make your response to this passage one of worship. Praise Go...

Jesus, I Need You Part 1 Day 4 (Bible Plan)

QUIET MOMENT Jesus tells us in John 15:2 that any branch that does not bear fruit is removed. This statement is a warning so that we will examine our hearts and our actions to be sure that we are in Him, to be sure that we are bearing fruit. If we are in Christ, we will never be removed! But we need to take a careful look; if there is not a single iota of fruit of any kind in our lives, that could be a good indicator that we are not in Him. Jesus also says in John 15:2 that every branch that does bear fruit will be pruned. Be ready to be pruned! When we are in Christ, we are a part of the stem of Jesse (see Isaiah 11:1-2, 5), we are a branch of Christ. How incredible! Listen carefully. Be sure that you are in Christ. If you are in Christ, draw near to God, lay yourself before Him, and allow Him to do what He needs to do so that you will bear fruit. Make that your prayer this week. Ask Him to be your Immanuel. What do you fear when you think of Him pruning you? GOING DEEPER Read of...

Jesus, I Need You Part 1 Day 3 (Bible Plan)

QUIET MOMENT The more Isaiah saw God, the more Isaiah realized his sin and how much he was just like the world around him. His heart so broken and so grieved, he cries out to God in anguish. Isaiah felt like nothing in the presence of the Most Holy God. He was undone. When Isaiah saw God more for who He was it brought him down. He was humbled. Will you follow Isaiah’s example? GOING DEEPER When we humble ourselves before the Lord and draw near to our God who is with us, He does a miraculous work in our hearts. When we bow before the Lord, low in humility, He comes near and saves: “…a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:17). Read Isaiah 6:6-13, asking the Lord to speak to your heart. What does God do in response to Isaiah’s confession and repentance? What is Isaiah’s response? What is yours? Do you feel numb, apathetic, or indifferent? Confess that to the Lord just as Isaiah confessed his condition. Lay your wooden hea...

Jesus, I Need You Part 1 Day 2 (Bible Plan)

QUIET MOMENT We need Jesus. We need to cry out to our Immanuel to open our eyes so we can see things from His perspective, because we have wandered from the truth. We are not much different than the Israelites thousands of years ago. We have lost our focus and our vision. We have become so influenced by the culture around us that we have wandered away unknowingly. The people of Israel were God’s chosen people. God delivered them from their oppressors, provided for them miraculously, and demonstrated His power and love to them in many ways, but they continued to be enticed by the people and things around them and wander away. Do you long for the things of this world? Do you doubt God’s ways? GOING DEEPER Can you hear God’s heart in today’s passage from Isaiah 1? Read all of Isaiah chapter 1 and answer the questions that follow. 1. How does God describe Israel and their behavior? What is their heart condition? 2. What does He ask them to do? 3. How does He e...

Jesus, I Need You Part 1 Day 1 (Bible Plan)

Jesus’ world is completely God-centered. Ours is predominantly me-centered, which is what most hinders a real, tangible, intimate relationship with Jesus. It is often hard to discern how different our ways are from His ways because no matter what kind of home we have been raised in, we acquire habits, behaviors, thought patterns, and reasoning from many sources other than Jesus Christ without even knowing it. And these become real to us and completely “normal” and acceptable. We don’t even realize how much our Christian life is flavored with the world. We no longer want to be knowingly or unknowingly fused with the culture. We want Jesus. We need Jesus. We need our Immanuel to accomplish this work in us! We want our mind, our energies, and our heart focused more and more on Him and less on ourselves and our circumstances. We want Him and Him alone. We can know Him more intimately than a spouse, a sister, a mother, or a life-long best friend. Can He be that real? I believe He can. ...